Heads of Department Message 24 March
There is a tricky balance between clogging everyone’s mailbox and not sharing enough information. If you thinking I’m getting too close to mailbox clogging, let me know. I will try to do this no more than once per day.
Where I’m sharing from others, I’ll make this clear. And I don’t always get all of the detail – I do chase where appropriate but with so much going on, I won’t chase for every point of detail)
Comms plan for the day (From Strategic Comms – my clarifications in red)
As there are a number of messages planned for today in line with previously agreed Gold policy decisions, here’s an overview of what is going out when and to whom:
- Direct email from Warwick Accommodation to on-campus students re contract 12.00 (advising to leave if they can; arrangements if they need to stay – and we know that some do, releasing students from 3rd term contract for their accommodation if they do leave and so no further rental payments needed)
- Direct email from Warwick Accommodation to students in managed accommodation off-campus re contract 12.00 (I haven’t seen this – there will be overlapping advise and we will be doing what we can to support students in off campus accommodation – including in relation to rental contracts).
- Direct email from Education Exec on teaching and learning developments c 16.00
- All messages will be uploaded to MyWarwick afterwards, with updated FAQs to accompany
- Also inbox insite to all staff covering: VC message, wellbeing, note on accommodation, development of plans for temp closure of some campus building and research support. Looking ahead to another issue on Friday with new VC message (for all staff and students) plus focus on community effort, research expertise and connectivity (there will be some good messages here – we are providing stocks of PPE to NHS, discussions with NHS about making Arden available for use by NHS staff who can’t go home, final year medical students to provide support to local hospitals etc)
ARC Planning
If we think we can manage your planning round discussion via correspondence, the meeting will come out of your diary; we are still going to have a small number of meetings (although timings might change) and of course we may have to come back to some of you to put a meeting back into the diary. But I’m hoping we can do a lot of the routine planning work remotely and then start to focus on contingency planning.
Probation Review Group
Went ahead yesterday – decisions will be working their way out shortly. We will be making provision for probationers whose progress is affected by these exceptional circumstances. We need to think through details but if anyone is anxious about being able to meet their targets because of disruption, please can you reassure them?
Professor Christine Ennew OBE