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University Awards - Best Ongoing Campaign winner

The collaborative approach of the University Awards project group has been recognised with the 'Best Ongoing Campaign' award from the Institute of Internal Communication.

The team, from Internal Communications and the project group, created an inclusive online and offline campaign to encourage engagement from right across the University. 2017 was the first year that the Staff Awards and CCSG Awards merged and the team were keen to ensure that staff from all parts of the University got involved. A website, digital screens, posters, roadshows, departmental communications, pull-up banners, videos and an insite homepage campaign meant staff were able to engage in a range of ways, with an increase in nominations and over 800 staff attending a celebration event in May.

Mark Udall, Design Manager at Warwick Print is part of the project team. Mark said: "I've always considered working on the University Awards process to be a privilege and something that I feel a great sense of achievement and belonging. I've been involved now for over 7 years – from the CCSG Awards through to the current combined University Awards, providing overarching visual themes for the event, on screen animations, display stands, promotional prints, the trophies and certificates. The team is comprised of a fantastic group of people who are a wonderful to work with and it's our pleasure at Warwick Print to continue to support this initiative with creative design ideas for both screen and print."

Read more about the Institute of Internal Communication’s Awards.


Thu 12 Oct 2017, 11:39 | Tags: Print