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Stands with a twist

We just finished two 3 x 2 impact twist stands with an absolutely stunning image for the Engagement Group on behalf of Student Recruitment.

Supporting PathLAKE

"We’ve just collected the pull-ups, business cards and flyers from the post room and they look absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for turning these around so quickly and for the superb quality of your design work. Outstanding!" Guy Smallman, Industrial Partnerships and IP Manager The PathLAKE consortium comprises some of the nation’s leading digital and computational innovators from NHS and academia. Warwick Print have designed and printed pop-up stands, flyers and business cards to support their marketing.

Thu 30 Jan 2020, 09:35 | Tags: branding, Print, printing, pathlake, bannerstands, flyers, testimonial

Warwick Student Survey

We were asked to refresh last years National Student Survey branding, keeping the same imagery and feel of last years so it is still easily recognisable as Warwick's NSS campaign. This new look had to be adapted to multiple different size ratio's to fit a wide variety of locations across campus.

Tue 28 Jan 2020, 09:08 | Tags: branding, printing, National Student Survey, poster, NSS, #design

Make Venues

Our working relationship with Make Venues goes from strength to strength with the design and print of their 2020 Strategy booklets. Warwick Print have designed an impactful document utilising a combination of soft-touch lamination and silver foil on the cover.

Mon 20 Jan 2020, 14:45 | Tags: brochure, printing, #design, Make Venues

Warwick Accomodation twist stands

We designed and produced two twist stands for Warwick Accommodation. The brief was to highlight the range of accommodation available to students both on and off campus in a clear and succinct manner.

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