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Older News

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Hot off the press

Hot off the press - everyday phrases that come from printing.

This didn't originate as a phrase until the 20th century and means the most up-to-date news. The origin stems from the printing process called "hot metal printing". The Linotype machine (invented 1884) allowed printers to type on a keyboard. [continue "Hot off the press" story"]

Tue 15 Oct 2019, 08:51 | Tags: print workshop, prinphrases

Uppercase & lowercase

Another example of everyday phrases that come from printing: uppercase and lowercase

When someone was typesetting (laying out all the letters) they would pull out two drawers which were of the same typeface but one drawer, or "case", would be the smaller letters and the other drawer or "case" would be the larger letters. [continue "uppercase" story]

Tue 08 Oct 2019, 09:27 | Tags: print workshop, printing, prinphrases

Mind your p's and q's

Everyday Phrases That Come from Printing - mind your p's and q's.

This phrase means being on one’s best behaviour in British English, and paying close attention in American English. Both versions make sense coming from the print shop. Setting type means placing each individual letter [continue "p's and q's" story]

Wed 02 Oct 2019, 08:53 | Tags: print workshop, prinphrases

Out of sorts

Everyday Phrases That Come from Printing: Out of sorts.
This phrase has come to mean feeling a bit off, unwell, or grumpy - which is entirely appropriate because it comes from printers running out of a letter type. The individual letters were stored in separate boxes and were called "sorts" [continue "Out of Sorts" story"]
Mon 30 Sep 2019, 09:37 | Tags: print workshop, outofsorts, prinphrases

Finishing something is the hardest part.

Says Antony Johnston.

How to decide between the different options, indeed. This is why our eighth and last essential guide to print explains the different finishing options available. Interested in learning more? Contact us to book one of our print workshops.

Wed 25 Sep 2019, 09:05 | Tags: print workshop, printtips, expertadvice

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