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Install Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a free service you can use to add your own analytics tags – for example, to monitor data for marketing campaigns – to your website without the need for IT Services' involvement when you wish to add or edit tags.

Important: To ensure your site complies with GDPR, you must check that performancePermission is true in the data layer before applying analytics tags via Google Tag Manager. Similarly, targeted advertising tags can only be used if advertisingPermission is true.

This article describes how to add the Google Tag Manager container ID to your site properties in SiteBuilder. To do this, you need admin or edit permissions for your site's home page.

In this article:

Install Google Tag Manager

  1. Go to

  2. Follow Google's instructions to create a new container.

  3. Make a note of your Google Tag Manager container ID - it looks like GTM-xxxxxx.

  4. Return to SiteBuilder and browse to any page on your website.

  5. Go to Edit > More, then select the Current site tab. You need edit or admin permissions for the site's home page to do this.

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'More' option highlighted

  6. In the Manage site section, select Edit site properties:

    The SiteBuilder 'Current site' tab, with the 'Edit site properties' option highlighted

  7. Enter the container ID in the Google Tag Manager code box:

    The 'Edit site properties' screen, with the 'Google Tag Manager code' box highlighted

  8. If you're using Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager, you should remove the tracking ID from the Google Analytics code box. Otherwise, data will be recorded twice.

  9. Select Save changes. The container ID is now applied to every page on your website.


The Google Tag Manager container ID you specify in site properties does not cascade to sub-sites. To use Google Tag Manager with your sub-sites, you have two options:

  • Add the container ID to each sub-site – you'll then administer all tags via one site in Google Tag Manager.
  • Create new container IDs for each sub-site – you'll administer tags in separate sites in Google Tag Manager.

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