My Research
Current research
I'm currently working on some theoretical aspects of MCMC algorithms, such as optimal scaling or the design of efficient Metropolis-Hastings proposals in discrete spaces (permutations, partitions, ...).
Publications and papers in preparation
- G. Zanella, Bayesian Complementary Clustering, MCMC and Anglo-Saxon Placenames. Submitted. (arXiv). Supplementary material: A, B, C, D, E, F.
- G. Zanella and S. Zuyev, Branching stable point processes. Submitted. (arXiv)
- W.S. Kendall, G. Zanella and M. Bedard, MCMC optimal scaling and Dirichlet forms. In preparation.
Talks and Posters
Invited talk, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden. November 2014. Bayesian Complementary Clustering, MCMC and Anglo-Saxon Placenames.
Talk at the OxWaSp-YRM day, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. October 2014. Bayesian Complementary Clustering, MCMC and Anglo-Saxon Placenames.
Poster presented at ISBA 2014, Cancun, Mexico. August 2014. Bayesian Complementary Clustering, MCMC and Anglo-Saxon Placenames. Link to the poster.
Talk at the ABS14 Summer school, Como, Italy. June 2014. Bayesian Complementary Clustering, MCMC and Anglo-Saxon Placenames.
Talk at the CRiSM Scientific Council, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. May 2014. Bayesian Complementary Clustering, MCMC and Anglo-Saxon Placenames. Slides.
Invited talk, Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy. March 2014. Bayesian Complementary Clustering, MCMC and Anglo-Saxon Placenames. Slides.
Poster presented at the Intractable Likelihood Workshop, Oxford, UK. March 2014. Bayesian Complementary Clustering, MCMC and Anglo-Saxon Placenames.
Honourable mention at the MCMSki IV conference for poster presentation, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France. January 2014. Bayesian Complementary Clustering, MCMC and Anglo-Saxon Placenames.
Talk at Young Research Meeting, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. May 2013. Bayesian Complementary Clustering, MCMC and Anglo-Saxon Placenames.
Invited talk, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden. September 2012. Branching Stable Point Processes. abstract, slides.
Master Thesis
The title of my master thesis is Branching Stable Point Processes. My supervisors were Prof. Vincenzo Capasso (University of Milan) and prof. Sergei Zuyev (Chalmers University of Technology).
Prof. Wilfrid Kendall Link to prof. Kendall's personal webpage