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Johannes Beetz

I am a doctoral researcher obtaining my PhD in Discourse Studies at the Centre for Applied Linguistics (CAL) at the University of Warwick.

I am part of the ERC-funded DISCONEX research project, which investigates how researchers do research in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) and is located at the University of Warwick (Coventry, UK), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris, France) and FHNW (Bale, Switzerland).

Prior to this, I obtained an M.A. in Sociology (major), Philosophy, and American Studies with a thesis titled 'Materiality and Subject - (In)Tangible Materialities and De-Centered Subjects in Marxism, (Post-)Structuralism, and Material Semiotics' from the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz, Germany.

I am a member of the DiscourseNet research network and founding member of the DIPE-research group on Discourse, Ideology, and Political Economy'.


My research investigates how sociologists do sociology in Germany and the UK.

Drawing on poststructuralist discourse theory and -analysis, Critical and Marxist theories of the Social, Science Studies, and qualitative social research methods, the project investigates how researchers reference and position themselves and others in academic discourse. By analysing narrative accounts and the introductions to sociologists' first books, it aims to answer the question of how sociologists practically produce and make sense of their discipline.

The PhD project is supervised by Johannes Angermuller (main supervisor) and Steve Fuller (second supervisor) and funded with an ERC scholarship.




(2016): Materiality and Subject in Marxism, (Post-)Structuralism, and Material Semiotics. Basingstoke: Palgrave. ISBN 978-1-137-59836-3


with Veit Schwab (Eds.) (2017): "Material Discourse - Materialist Analysis: Materialist Approaches in Discourse Studies". Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. ISBN 978-1-4985-5815-0

Special Issues

with Benno Herzog and Jens Maesse (Eds.) (2018): "Marx and Discourse" Criticical Discourse Studies, Volume 15, No. 4, 2018. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge


with Benno Herzog and Jens Maesse (Eds.) (forthcoming 2020): "Discursive Practices and the Role of Ideology: Discourse Studies meets Critical Theory" Journal of Multicultural Discourses (JMD). Abington-on-Thames: Routledge

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "journal of multicultural discourses"

Articles and Chapters

(2021, forthcoming): "Bigger Cages, Longer Signifying Chains - Ideology as Structural Limitation and Discursive Practice" in Johannes Beetz, Benno Herzog, and Jens Maesse (Eds.): Discursive Practices and the Role of Ideology: Discourse Studies meets Critical Theory Journal of Multicultural Discourses (JMD). Abington-on-Thames: Routledge, 

with Benno Herzog and Jens Maesse (2021, forthcoming): "Introduction: Discursive Practices and the Role of Ideology: Discourse Studies meets Critical Theory", in Johannes Beetz, Benno Herzog, and Jens Maesse (Eds.): Discursive Practices and the Role of Ideology: Discourse Studies meets Critical Theory Journal of Multicultural Discourses (JMD). Abington-on-Thames: Routledge

with Benno Herzog and Jens Maesse (2018): "Introduction", In Johannes Beetz, Benno Herzog, and Jens Maesse (Eds.): Marx and Discourse Studies. Criticical Discourse Studies, Volume 15, No. 4, 2018,
DOI: 10.1080/17405904.2018.1456944

with Veit Schwab (2018): "Conditions and Relations of (Re)Production in Marxism and Discourse Studies". In Johannes Beetz, Benno Herzog, and Jens Maesse (Eds.): Marx and Discourse Studies. Criticical Discourse Studies, Issue 4/2018, DOI:10.1080/17405904.2018.1456946

with Veit Schwab (2017): "Materialist Discourse Analysis. Three Moments and Some Criteria". In Johannes Beetz, Veit Schwab (Eds.): Material Discourse - Materialist Analysis: Materialist Approaches in Discourse Studies. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

with Veit Schwab (2017): "Material-Discursive Entanglements: Mapping Materialist Discourse Studies". In Johannes Beetz, Veit Schwab (Eds.): Material Discourse - Materialist Analysis: Materialist Approaches in Discourse Studies. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Untitled. Unfinished. UNPUBLISHED.

(2016, forthcoming): Latour with Greimas - Actor-Network Theory and Semiotics, in review

(2013) with Désirée Bender: Differenzmarkierungen einer Fernsehdokumentation. Eine von
ethnomethodologischen media studies inspirierte Untersuchung. In: Bonn, Eva; Knöppler,
Christian; Souza, Miguel (Eds.): Was machen Marker? Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 155–188.

Dictionary Entries

(2014): “Symbolische, das” [the symbolic]. In: Wrana, Daniel; Ziem, Alexander; Reisigl, Martin;
Nonnhoff, Martin; Angermuller, Johannes (Eds.): DiskursNetz: Wörterbuch der interdisziplinären
Diskursforschung. Berlin: Suhrkamp. pp. 396-397.

(2014) with Johannes Angermuller: “Regel” [rule]. In: Wrana, Daniel; Ziem, Alexander; Reisigl,
Martin; Nonnhoff, Martin; Angermuller, Johannes (Eds.): DiskursNetz: Wörterbuch der
interdisziplinären Diskursforschung. Berlin: Suhrkamp. pp. 326-327.


(2019): The Discursive (Re)Production of Sociology. Practices and Disciplinarity at the DNC3ALED Congress on "Knowledge and Power in a Polycentric World. Discourses across languages, cultures, and space". Paris, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France; September 2019.

(2019): The Discursive (Re)Production and Transformation of Social Inequalities at the DiscourseNet Winter School on "The Transformation and Reproduction of Social Inequalities: Discourse, Power, and Critique". Universitat de València, Spain; January 2019.

(2018): "On the Materiality of Discourse and the Discursive (Re)Production of Material Conditions" Contribution to the "Materialism and Theory“ Symposium at the Obama Institute at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany, November 2018.

(2018): Response to Philippe Hambye. Discussant at the "Failing Identities: Identification and Resistance" International Conference at the University of Liège, Belgium, September 2018.

(2018): "Subjectivation, Ideology, and Discourse" Contribution to the "Discourse, Power, Subjectivation" Conference at University of Giessen, Germany, September 2018.

(2018): "Doing Social Science. Notes on the Sociology of Sociology" Contribution to the Journées d’étude "Les chercheurs et leurs pratiques : discours, savoirs, pouvoirs | Researchers and Their Practices: Discourse, Knowledge, Power" at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France, June 2018.

(2017): "Materialism without Matter? Some Thoughts on the Notion of Materiality in Science and Technology Studies" Invited talk at the Contemporary Philosophy of Technology research group at the University of Birmingham, May 2017. Video link

(2017): "Materialistische Diskursanalyse - Zur Verbindung von Materialismus und Diskursforschung" (with Veit Schwab) Contribution to the "Diskursanalyse nach dem Marxismus" conference at the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen Germany, April 2017.

(2017): "Ideology as Discursive Practice - On Althusser's Theory of Ideology" Contribution to the DIPE Winterschool on "Discourse, Ideology, and Political Economy", Universitat de València, Spain, January 2017.

(2016): "Materialist Discourse Analysis before and in Discourse Studies" (with Veit Schwab) Contribution to the "Materialist_Discourse_Analysis: Methodological Entanglements" research workshop, University of Warwick, July 2016.

(2015): "Subject Positioning Practices in the Academic Discourse of Sociologists" Talk at the PAD (Professional and Academic Discourse) group meeting at the Centre for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, November 2017.

(2015): "From ideology to discursive positioning practices" Contribution to "Academic discourse as a positioning practice" at the DiscourseNet International Congress #1 Discourse: Language, Society, Critique, University of Bremen, September 2015.

(2015) "Entering Academia - Subject-positioning in the material discourse of the social sciences"
Contribution to "InterDisc. Interdisciplinary Discourse Studies Summer Course 2015", University of Aalborg, August 2015.

(2015): "(In)tangible Materialities. On some modalities of the material in Marxism, (post-)structuralism, and material semiotics" Contribution to "Mind the gap, please! – A research workshop on discourse analysis, New Materialisms and the ‘practice turn’ in the social sciences", University of Warwick, June 2015.

(2011): "Multimodale Differenzmarkierungen an der Grenze der Membership Categories Mensch und Monster“ (with Désirée Bender) Contribution to „Was machen Marker? Logik, Materialität und Politik von Differenzierungsprozessen", Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, September 2011.

(2011): "Der Kannibale von Rotenburg als Auslöser einer Wirklichkeitskrise? Eine diskurstheoretisch inspirierte, wissenssoziologische Perspektive auf den Fall" (with Désirée Bender) Contribution to Arbeitstagung der Sektion Wissenssoziologie der DGS „Krisen der Wirklichkeit. Grenzsituationen, unsicheres Wissen, prekäre Gewissheiten“, Freiburg University, March 2011.

Workshop & Conference Organisation

(March 2021) Conference: Discourses in Post-National Spaces: Transnational Communications, Transversal Subjectivities and New Forms of Nativism in Globalised Societies (withe Jens Maesse et al) University of Gießen, Germany.

(January 2021) Winter School: Capitalism in Global Crisis - Economic Transformations, New Authoritarianism and Resistance (with Ksenia Semykina, Benno Herzog and Jens Maesse) University of Valencia, Spain.

(November 2020) Global Dispositives | From #DigitalRevolution to the #NewSilkRoad: Infrastructures and Discursive Imaginaries of Geopolitical Realities ([member of the scientific board] with Jan Krasni, Igor Chubarov, Ekaterina Sechenova, Elina Samokhvalova, Irina Dushakova, Irina Mironova, Tatiana Shutova, Johannes Angermuller, Aurora Fragonara,Michael Kranert, Jan Krasni, Jens Maesse, Kaushalya Perera,Jaspal Singh, Jan Zienkowski) University of Tuymen, Russia.

(September 2019) DiscourseNet-ALED-Congress Knowledge and Power in a Polycentric World: Discourses across languages, cultures and space (with Johannes Angermuller, Cristina Arancibia Aguilera, Axel Boursier, Françoise Dufour, Michael Kranert, Julien Longhi, Felicitas Macgilchrist, Dominique Maingueneau, Ailin Nacucchio, Laura Pardo, Luciana Radut-Gaghi, Marco Antonio Ruiz, Susanne Weber, Jan Zienkowski). Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris Seine, France.

(January 2019) Winter School: The Transformation and Reproduction of Social Inequalities: Discourse, Power, and Critique (with Benno Herzog and Jens Maesse). University of Valencia, Spain.

(September 2018) Conference: Discourse, Power, Subjectivation (with Jens Maesse, Verena Fingerling, Julian Hamann, Saša Bosančić, Johannes Angermuller, Ronny Scholz, David Adler, Steffen Hamborg, Jeannine Wintzer, Yannik Porsché, Martin Nonhoff, Frieder Vogelmann). University of Giessen, Germany

(June 2018) Journées d’étude: Les chercheurs et leurs pratiques : discours, savoirs, pouvoirs | Researchers and Their Rractices: Discourse, Knowledge, Power (with Johannes Angermuller, Françoise Dufour, Marco Antonio Almeida Ruiz, Eduardo Chávez Herrera). École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France.

(September 2017) DiscourseNet Congress #2 (DNC 2) - Interdisciplinary Discourse Studies: Theory and Practice (with Johannes Angermuller, Jo Angouri, Françoise Dufour, Sixian Hah, Tilly Harrison, Eduardo Chávez Herrera, Michael Kranert, Ronny Scholz, Veit Schwab, Sue Wharton, Marta Natalia Wróblewska). University of Warwick

(10th March 2017) Lecture by Michèle Lamont (Harvard University): Getting Respect: Responding to Stigma and Discrimination in the United States, Brazil, and Israel. (with Johannes Angermuller, Juliane Reinecke, Noortje Marres, Marta Wróblewska). University of Warwick

(9th March 2017) Workshop: Science.Knowledge.Evaluation. (with Johannes Angermuller, Juliane Reinecke, Noortje Marres, Marta Wróblewska). University of Warwick

(January 2017) DIPE Winterschool on "Discourse, Ideology, and Political Economy" (with Benno Herzog and Jens Maeße). Universitat de València, Spain.

(July 2016) Workshop and publication project "Materialist_Discourse_Analysis: Methodological Entanglements" (with Veit Schwab). University of Warwick.

(June 2016) Conférence with Michèle Lamont (Harvard University): "Getting Respect : Dealing with Stigma and Discrimination in the United States, Brazil and Israel" (with Nawel Aït Ali). CEMS École des hautes études en sciences sociales, EHESS, Paris.

(September 2015) DiscourseNet International Congress #1: Discourse: Language, Society, Critique (with Johannes Angermuller, Martin Nonhoff, David Adler, Peter Arnhold, Johannes, Beetz, Inken Behrmann, Sixian Hah, Julian Hamann, Jan Krasni, Kyoung-Mi Kim, Robin Koss, Nataša Matović, Jens Maeße, Yannik Porsché, Ronny Scholz, Andreas Schindel, Jaspal Singh, Kelly Weleschuk, Daniel Wrana). University of Bremen, Germany.

(January 2015) DiscourseNet Winter School. Doing Research on Academic, Educational and Intellectual Discourses (with Johannes Angermuller, Benno Herzog, Francesc Hernàndez, Ronny Scholz, Marta Wróblewska). Universitat de València, Spain.


(January 2019) Postgraduate research module on The Discursive (Re)Production and Transformation of Social Inequalities at the DiscourseNet Winter School on "The Transformation and Reproduction of Social Inequalities: Discourse, Power, and Critique". Universitat de València, Spain.

(May 2018) Discourse as a Semiotic Practice. Understanding the Mechanics of Poststructuralist Discourse Theory and Analysis. "Methods of Discourse Analysis" doctoral training workshop by the Warwick ESRC Doctoral Training Centre, University of Warwick.

(October 2017 - ) Sessional Teacher at the Department of Sociology at the University of Warwick. Module taught: History of Sociological Thought.

(May 2017) Discourse as a Semiotic Practice. Understanding the Mechanics of Poststructuralist Discourse Theory and Analysis. "Methods of Discourse Analysis" doctoral training workshop by the Warwick ESRC Doctoral Training Centre, University of Warwick.

(January 2017) Postgraduate research module on Ideology at the DiscourseNet Winter School on "Discourse, Ideology, and Political Economy". Universitat de València, Spain.

(2010/11) (with Ulla Bröcker) Lecture "Introduction to Linguistics" at the Department of General Linguistics/Linguistics Typology at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. Session taught: Introduction to the Philosophy of Language.

(2009/10) Teaching assistant at the department of 'Sociological Theory and Gender Studies', Prof. Dr. Stefan Hirschauer, Institute of Sociology at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. Undergrad tutorial taught: Introduction to Scientific Practice.


Palgrave Communications, Humanities & Social Sciences

Member of the board of permanent referees at the DiscourseNet Collaborative Working Paper Series

Palgrave Macmillan - Language and Linguistics

Critical Discourse Studies, Taylor & Francis

The Polish Journal of Aesthetics


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) - German Sociological Association


DIPE (Discourse, Ideology, and Political Economy) Research Group. Founding member and co-coordinator

DISCONEX [The Discursive Construction of Academic Excellence] Research Project, University of Warwick (Coventry, UK), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris, France) and FHNW (Bale, Switzerland)

Committee member of the Contemporary Philosophy of Technology Research Group, University of Birmingham.

Member of the editorial board at Post-filosofie - Rivista di pratica filosofica e scienze umane

For more texts and conference talks, visit



Johannes Beetz

Research Interests

  • Discourse Studies
  • Sociology
  • Critical Theory & Marxism
  • Poststructuralist Theory
  • Science Studies
  • Qualitative Research Methods


Johannes Beetz
University of Warwick
Centre of Applied Linguistics