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ePortfolio of Ewan Stephenson


I joined the University of Warwick in 2017 on the A*STAR Research Attachment Programme (ARAP - because the whole thing is a mouthful). I am working in the lab of Dr Robert Dallmann studying the links between circadian rhythms and cancer.


2017-Present: University of Warwick, ARAP PhD in Molecular Biomedicine

At Warwick I am working within the Chronotherapy Group, my project involves using the CRISPR/CAS9 technique (a simple yet informative introduction to this can be found here) to edit cancer genomes. Using this system I am probing the effect that circadian genes have upon cancer growth and development.

In my years in Singapore (2018-2021) I have worked in the labs of Professors Vinay Tergaonkar and David Virshup.

2014-2017: University of Hull, BSc (Hons) Biology, First Class

My degree at Hull entailed study in a wide variety of areas within Biology ranging from animal physiology to the biology of cancer.

For my final year project I worked in the lab of Dr Leonid Nikitenko. My work focused on characterisation of a G-protein coupled receptor named calcitonin receptor-like receptor in human lymphatic endothelial cells.

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Ewan Stephenson