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ePortfolio of Eri Tsukamoto

I am a Sociology researcher at the University of Warwick.

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E dot Tsukamoto at warwick dot ac dot uk

My research focuses on the online audience's responses to representations of animals in wildlife docu-soaps. I am interested in how the dramatic story-telling narratives and the humanization and the individualization of animal characters might influence the audience's perceptions and attitudes towards animals. Also, I am interested in how online communities could be educational to users by exchanging information and encouraging each other to be critical towards media products. In my research, I centralize the idea that people are increasingly more empathetic towards non-human animals in post-modernity, and I propose how such attitude might be reflected in the online audience's responses towards wildlife docu-soaps online.

My supervisors are Prof. Nicke Charles and Dr. Eric Jensen 

My research interests are:

human-animal relations, humanization and individualization of animals (animal characters), story-telling, media framing and narratives, media representations of non-human animals, conservation, public engagement, online communities, fan culture

Public engagement:

I joined the academic and artists exhibition at the Fargo Village in Coventry on November 2016. The exhibition was led by Dr. Emma Parfitt, who brought local artists and phd researchers at the university of Warwick together. The artists created art pieces inspired by phd research, and the exhibition was open to public. I was very lucky to be a part of the exhibition and to witness great resposes from academics, artists and general public!

My critical reflection/exhibition review was published through Exchanges, the Warwick research Journal in April 2017.


I am currently a member of Innovetive Food Systems Teaching and Learning (IFSTL). The course is funded by Higher Education Funding Council for England and is collaborated with University of Oxford, City University London, University of Reading, University of Warwick, the Leverhulme Centre for Intergrative Research on Agriculture and Health. The course "is a learning community and interactive resource designed to improve post-graduate level knowledge and understanding of the food system. IFSTAL addresses the urgent need for a workforce skilled in food systems thinking. Those engaging with IFSTAL will be better equipped to address the systemic failings in food systems which have resulted in about one billion people being hungry, two billion lacking sufficient nutrients, and over two billion overweight or obese; and significant environmental degradation."

I am interested in the food system and food related issues in relation to human-animal relations.


I am currently (academic year 2018/19) teaching a seminar for SO345 Beastly Sociology