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Common Law Contracts, Arbitration and Advocacy Resources

Common Law Contracts, Arbitration and Advocacy Resources

How to use the Resource Webpages

These webpages will be your main source of information and material throughout the next 3 weeks, and will provide you with opportunities to access/download this material as you progress through the course. We will post all the information you need on a daily basis, giving you plenty of time to prepare for class, download lecture notes onto your laptop, or check for reading and other out-of-class activities.

So please don't worry if you can't find all the resources for your whole course right now- this is how we think you'll learn best (and enjoy the topics we present to you most!).

Instead, please make sure you check these webpages for the next day's materials in your study periods after class. However, if you encounter difficulties in accessing materials or you think something may be missing from our resources, please inform any team member as soon as possible, we will ensure you have the information you need to participate fully.

Your course is divided into 3 weeks, so for each week, there will be a separate resources folder, divided up by day, session and session leader (i.e., Week 1, Monday 15 July - Introduction - Velimir Živković) . This folder will contain lecture slides, preparation tasks for class and any 'homework' we require. Please don't worry that this summer school will be ALL work though, we will try our best to keep the balance between learning and the summer school experience.

For the start of your course then – the only materials you need to check out for the first day are in the “getting the best out of your course” at the bottom of the page. We recommend you look at the course timetable, the course syllabus and the course handbook.

Course Leader Contact details

Course Leader: Dr Velimir Živković

Contact email address:

Daily communications

Each day you will receive an email from the programme team. This will give you important information about the course, social programme and anything else you may need to know. Please make sure you read these email to stay up to date.

These emails will be sent to the email address you used to make your WSS application. If you need to update your email with the programme team, please send an email

Weekly Resource

Getting the Best out of Your Course

We hope that you will enjoy your time at Summer School, and that by the end of your time with us, you will have learned new things, made some unforgettable memories and some great friends!

On these course resource pages you will find all the information you will need.

These three documents are the most important!

*Please note that the course timetable is subject to change.

In addition, here are a few guidelines that should help us all get the very best out of our time together...


Get involved

We understand that this may be the first time you have studied this subject, that English may not be your first language, and that this may be your first time visiting England. We know that this may seem daunting and overwhelming! The best way to get the most out of this summer school experience, is to get involved!

In other words, you should join in your course sessions as much as you can. Ask questions, give your opinions, think about examples from your own life, and relate this to the course content.

Please tell your teaching team if you don't understand anything – whether this relates to content or language. It's their job to make sure that the material is accessible and clear to you, and they will be more than happy to help if there's any work you'd like to clarify or go through again.

Talk to us!

We are here to guide, support and help you as well as being your teachers for the next three weeks.

We all really enjoy interacting with students and are passionate about sharing our love of our work, so please remember that we're very happy for you to talk to us in and out of class. As a team, we work collaboratively and informally- and we're looking forward to working with you in the same way.

Please do the reading

If you are asked to do any reading for lectures, please ensure you do this in the appropriate timescales because these may be important for class, either to understand what you have just learned or to broaden your understanding of the content.

Bring your electronic devices please, but...

We will be using electronic devices during the module (i.e., laptops, tablets and smartphones) and we ask that you bring these along each day, so you can take notes, view lecture slides etc.)

However, we would be really grateful if you could minimise the use of phones and other devices during class, unless you're using them for class activities or you have a reason you need to monitor communication (e.g., personal issues etc.).

Check the Resources webpages every day

Our course material will be made available online. It is up to you to check for this content on a regular basis.

However, if you find you cannot access the relevant material, think it is missing, or encounter any other problems with course resources, please let a member of the team urgently.