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New Course Proposals

New Course Proposals

The Warwick Summer School (WSS) has been running since 2014 and has grown steadily in numbers and course diversity. Students attend from all over the world and over the years from 65+ different countries and from over 200 different Higher Education Institutions from around the world.

WSS is housed in Warwick Foundation Studies and there are significant plans for growth including the addition of new courses to the portfolio. Our ambition is to offer the biggest 'campus-based' Summer School in the UK in the coming years.

You can find out about the 2025 Summer School including which courses we are offering here. 

New Summer School Courses from 2026 Onwards 

We would like to diversify our course portfolio even further to ensure it: 

  • is representative of Warwick’s overall offer 

  • provides a window into what students could study at undergraduate and postgraduate level at Warwick and an opportunity for progression  

  • leads to cohort diversity and recruitment opportunities for departments involved

  • provides the chance to test new courses, work collaboratively with other departments in and to support the Social Sciences and STEM Connect programmes

We are seeking course proposals from departments for Summer School courses for 2026 and beyond.

Initial new course proposals should be submitted to us on this form. The process for new course development is detailed on this link. If you would like a discussion before submitting a proposal, please contact us (

You can find out more about how Summer School courses work here.

Why should departments work with us?

Involvement in our Summer Schools includes many benefits for departments including: 

  • diversifying the portfolio of courses on offer and how and when they are on offer e.g. short-term and during the Summer 
  • strengthening relationships and links with partner institutions, the Summer School provides opportunities to work with potential partners and strengthen links in strategically important countries and regions 
  • the opportunity for staff to enhance their CVs, develop new programmes and test new courses 
  • recruitment and progression to Masters programmes 
  • diversifying the cohort – recruitment to previous summer schools from 50+ countries 
  • opportunities to work across departments designing, delivering and testing new interdisciplinary courses 
  • launch pad for new programmes as part of STEM and Social Sciences Connect Programmes
  • contributing to University strategy 

Summer School Dates

Sunday 13 July - Saturday 2 August 2025

Sunday 12 July - Saturday 1 August 2026

Sunday 27 June - Friday 16 July 2027 and Sunday 18 July - Friday 6 August 2027 (pending approval)

Contact us

To discuss with the Summer School team please email:

Take a look at our current Warwick Summer SchoolLink opens in a new window website here.