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WSS Course Leader Profile: Javidanrad Farzad

Farzad Javidanrad

WSS Course Leader for International Business and Finance

Hello my name is Farzad Javidanrad. I have a PhD in Economics from Nottingham Trent University. I am currently working at the University of Warwick (Economics Department) but I have worked at different universities such as the University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Staffordshire University, and Tehran University.

I was inspired to study economics when I was 16. Studying economics was (and still is) fascinating because it offers insights into how societies make decisions when there are a variety of choices. You cannot find this complexity in Physics or Chemistry where atoms have no choice. History is the central part of finding the pattern in making decisions. Understanding economics helps illuminate many aspects of human behaviour, from individual choices to global financial systems. It is a discipline that touches virtually every aspect of life, from business to politics to everyday household decisions.

Farzad headshot

Research and Teaching Areas:

My main research is in the field of macroeconomics, specifically, the area of macroeconomics within the heterodox school of thought, covering topics such as financialisation in its historical context, monetary production economy, and financial economics.

I have taught different modules in my academic life such as mathematics, macroeconomics, financial economics, and the political economy of global sustainable development (GSD).

I have published many short articles in different magazines and newspapers. My last publication was published in the Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics and the title of my paper (co-authored with other colleagues) is “Theorizing the process of financialization through the paradox of profit: the credit-debt reproduction mechanism”.

What makes your course on the Warwick Summer School unique?

This course employs a dynamic and interactive learning approach, combining lectures, case studies, and group discussions to engage students actively and deepen their understanding of complex concepts in international business and finance. The course offers students a global perspective on key issues and challenges facing businesses operating in today's interconnected world economy.

Students have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, gaining practical skills and insights that are directly relevant to careers in international business, finance, consulting, and beyond.

The course curriculum is flexible and responsive to the latest developments in the field, allowing for the exploration of emerging trends and topics relevant to the rapidly evolving landscape of international business and finance.

What is your favourite thing about teaching on the Warwick Summer School?

I think one of my favourite aspects of teaching at WSS is the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of students from around the world. Interacting with students from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives can lead to rich discussions and insights that enrich everyone's learning experience. Additionally, being part of a vibrant academic community at a prestigious institution like the University of Warwick would provide a stimulating environment for teaching and learning, fostering intellectual growth and collaboration.

I look forward to meeting the 2024 International Business and Finance cohort in July!