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Physics RadioSun-4 Workshop & Summer School



The 4th RadioSun Workshop and Summer School will be held in Irkutsk, Russia from 8th to 12th June 2015.

The RadioSun Workshop and Summer School 2015 is the fourth international academic seminar supported by the International Research Staff Exchange Scheme of the Seventh Fromework Programme of the European Union (FP7-IRSES-295272-RADIOSUN). The aims of this project are to establish close research interaction and collaboration between the key EU and non-EU research groups involved in the research of the Sun in the radio band; qualitatively advance our knowledge of the physical processes operating in the solar atmosphere, the basic mechanisms responsible for its evolution and dynamics and its effect on the Earth; and provide younger researchers with extensive training in relevant research techniques and with universal transfer.

Important Dates:

Registration and abstract submission opens: 1 February 2015

Registration closes: 10 April 2015

Abstract submission closes: 25 April 2015

Information about visa applications can be found here

Discussion Topics:

  1. MHD oscillations in solar magnetic structures
  2. Wave dynamics and flare activity
  3. Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) in solar flares
  4. Flaring energy release: from magnetic fields to particles and waves
  5. CMEs and waves in space plasma
  6. Advanced techniques for wave detection
  7. New instruments for space research

Scientific Organisation Committee:

David Pascoe (Chair)
Valery Nakariakov (RadioSun PI)
Eduard Kontar
Viktor Melnikov
Hana Meszarosova
Robert Sych
Baolin Tan
Yan Yihua

Local Organisation Committee:

Robert Sych (Chair)
Alexey Kuznetsov
Larisa Kashapova
Sergey Anfinogentov
Andrey Afanas’ev
Ekaterina Korzhova

RadioSun-4 Poster

Previous RadioSun Meetings:

Beijing & Inner Mongolia (2013)

Lublin (2014)

St Petersburg (2014)


Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA) Mini-Volume: Solar radiophysics – Recent Results on Observations and Theories

