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Bicycle User Group (BUG)

Bicycle User Group (BUG)


The Bicycle User Group (BUG) works to improve facilities for staff and students who ride bikes. By working together, we believe that our needs as bicycle users can be better met. By working with the University and Coventry City Council, recent issues we have dealt with include:

  • Improved covered cycle parking
  • Dedicated cycle routes in the immediate vicinity of the University
  • Improved crossings over the A45
  • Safer bicycle routes to and from Kenilworth

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Contact BUG Lead

Andrew Marsh:

BUG Blog

We welcome comments on how cycle facilities can improve, so visit the BUG blog and give us your feedback.

Active Travel

We are not just about 2 wheels. Open to supporting active travel initiatives for the benefit of our local community.

Please add me to the BUG
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