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Over £2000 raised for hard hit charities with this crocheted coronavirus raffle

Whilst the UK has been in lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gill Frigerio, an Associate Professor in the Centre for Lifelong Learning, has been crocheting coronaviruses to raise money for local charities.

Each week she raffled off her bespoke creations to support different causes in the West Midlands. Tickets were available for anyone to buy for a donation of £5 each. Earlier this month she hosted her ninth (and final) raffle, reaching a grand total of £2,300.

Gill is a member of her local mutual aid group, but the take up on offers of support had been limited. She felt "pretty useless" at the outset of lockdown: busy with work and supporting her family, but wanted to find something she could do to help.

She was inspired by a free designLink opens in a new window shared by visual artist Joyce Overheul to give people something to do whilst staying at home. Picking up her crocheting hook, she set to work producing these topical creatures.

“At times such as this, it is more important than ever for us to work together with our regional neighbours and partners as a single community.”

– Professor Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor & President

Gill said:

"We all need to think creatively about what we can each do. It's important to look for something that suits your skills and interests. Not everyone will be suited to helping out at the food bank, and not everyone will want to crochet a coronavirus. That just happens to be my way!"

Have a look at the different designs and organisations for which they were raising money below.

Creations and charities from the last few weeks
Week 1
Week 1
Raising money for...
Warwick District Foodbank

Total raised: £160

Styled in the colours of the Trussell Trust!

Week 2
Week 2
Raising money for...
Coventry Haven Women's Aid

Total raised: £200

Week 3
Week 3
Raising money for...
Carriers of Hope, Coventry

Total raised: £210

Week 4
Week 4
Raising money for...
Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC)

Total raised: £215

Week 4 knitted

Gill also made a knitted coronavirus (right) which was chosen by the raffle winner. The crocheted coronavirus (left) was gifted to a friend who had generously purchased multiple tickets in previous weeks.

Week 5
Week 5
Raising money for...
Myton Hospice and Heart of Kent Hospice

Total raised: £450

The winner this week named their new crocheted coronavirus 'Ovid'!

Week 6
Week 6
Raising money for...
Underground Lights Community Theatre

Total raised: £205

Week 7
Week 7
Raising money for...
Christian Aid Coronavirus Emergency Appeal

Total raised: £155

Appropriately, this week's raffle was won by a vicar's husband!

Week 8
Week 8
Raising money for...

Total raised: £165

Crocheted in the colours of the Cherished logo!

Week 9
Week 9
Raising money for...
Dementia Friends, an Alzheimer's Society initative

Total raised: £435

People living with dementia face social isolation, and now more than ever.

Too many people affected by dementia feel that society fails to understand the condition they live with. Dementia Friends help people to learn about dementia and the challenges people face so they can help their community.

If you would like to sign up to be a Dementia Friend, you can do so on their websiteLink opens in a new window.