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Retired Staff Association : Constitution


The name of the Association shall be ‘The University of Warwick Retired Staff Association’.


Membership is open to all staff who have held appointments and who are now retired from the University.Spouses or partners are eligible as Associate member.Others who wish to join may be allowed to do so as Associate Members at the discretion of the Committee.Associate members may not be eligible to receive the benefits provided by the University to full members.


(i)To maintain and promote social activities for the benefit of members, exemplified by the provision of a Newsletter and the organisation of meetings on general and specific topics.

(ii)To maintain and develop links between members and the relevant activities of the University, including encouraging the provision of access to appropriate University facilities.

(iii)To provide information to members on University developments, achievements, and future events of interest.

4.Executive Committee

(i)Committee members, including officers, shall be elected at the annual general meeting, and each shall serve for a period of two years initially and thereafter Committee members shall be eligible for re-election annually.

(ii) The affairs of the Association shall be in the hands of an Executive Committee of the membership.This Committee shall consist of a Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary and others to an overall total not exceeding ten members.

(iii)The Executive Committee may co-opt members provided that the overall total committee membership does not exceed the number specified in 4(ii).Such members shall serve until the next annual general meeting.


(i)Annual subscriptions are payable in January of each year.Any changes to the annual subscription shall be proposed by the current Executive Committee at the annual general meeting for approval by members.

(ii)Spouses or partners of deceased members may retain membership of the Association gratis.

(iii) A member who has not paid their subscription by March 31st in any year will be deemed as lapsed and removed from the mailing list. Lapsed members who wish to rejoin will be treated as new members.

6.General Meetings

(i) The committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting.This meeting shall, as noted above, elect the new members of the Executive Committee, including the Officers as vacancies arise.

(ii) This meeting shall receive the Annual Reports of the Officers and consider any matters related to the operation of the Association.

(iii)A special meeting shall be arranged by the secretary within 30 days of a written request from 20 members.The request shall include item(s) for discussion and any resolutions for the meeting.These and no other matters shall be considered at this special meeting.

7.Data Protection

The University of Warwick will process members’ personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and any relevant replacement/subsequent European and/or UK privacy legislation, for the purposes of performing its obligations and exercising its rights under these terms and conditions.The privacy notice relevant to an application and membership of the University of Warwick Retired Staff Association can be seen by following this link to the Association’s webpage: would also bring your attention to the University’s data protection policy: opens in a new window.

