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Centre for Digital Inquiry

Centre for Digital Inquiry


CDI TV Series

Tune into the next livestream, Echoes of Tactical Media, 10.07.24 @ 16:00-18:00 (BST) here.

Or catch up on past CDI TV Inquiries talks and livestreams featuring Louise Amoore, Nick Seaver, Lana Swartz, Rachel O'Dwyer, Bernhard Rieder and Taina Bucher: here.


Curating Data Cultures

In this project, we invite researchers from across the University of Warwick to work with us to further develop and enhance practices of data curation that advance the goals of open interpretative research.



CDI Co-Director Michael Dieter contributes to a new study of super-apps and media conglomeration, check out the open access article in New Media & Society.

Warwick's hub for critical digital research.

The CDI brings together researchers across humanities, social sciences and sciences to think with and through our digital condition.

We use and develop digital research techniques and associated tools to advance knowledge about culture and society ('thinking with' the digital), while also taking up the digital as a substantive critical topic ('thinking through' the digital).

Read more about the CDI.


Find out about the latest CDI funding opportunities and how the CDI can support your research.


Find out about the research projects we have supported and/or hosted.

Get Involved

Join the CDI research network at Warwick, or find out how to get in touch if you are looking to collaborate.