Translation Studies in Theory and Practice (CL938)
Convenor: | Dr Piotr Kuhiwczak |
Teaching time: |
Autumn Term |
Course objectives:
The aim of the module is to introduce the most important concepts, models and approaches that have been used in translation studies, and to demonstrate how they relate to translation practice. The module will be focused primarily on literary translation but examples and case studies will be drawn from a whole range of texts.
The lectures will provide an introduction to translation theory, and the workshops will create an opportunity to test some of the concepts on practical translation examples.
Learning outcomes:
The outcomes will vary on students’ individual interests and commitment to particular aspects of the material presented during the lectures and in the workshops. However, the convenor hopes that by the end of the term the students will be able to:
- To understand fundamental theoretical aspects of
Translation Studies - To increase their sensitivity to cultural aspects of translation
- To explore environment in which translated texts function
- To improve their theoretical and practical understanding of translation processes from the analysis of the source text to the translation critique.
These outcomes are conditional on the following:
- Lecture and workshop attendance
- Systematic reading of prescribed material
- Participation in workshops and discussions
- Development of your independent reading habit
- Effective use of the lecturers' office hour
Week | Theme | Texts |
1 | What is Translation Studies? | Bassnett, Susan. Translation Studies. London: Routledge, 2002, pp. 1-45 E-Book; PN241.B2 x4S; x1 3DL; x1 UIL; x2 LG Holmes, James. ‘The name and nature of Translation Studies’ in Venuti, Lawrence. The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 2002, pp.172-186. E-Book; x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 UIL (2004) x4 S; x2 3DL; x1 SLC (2000) Kuhiwczak and K. Littau. A Companion to Translation Studies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2007, pp. 1-13 P306.C6 x2 3DL; x2 SLC; x1 LG |
2 | The issue of translatability | Aitchison, ‘Taming the Wilderness: Words in the Mental Lexicon’ in Anderman, Gunilla. Words, Words, Words. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1996, pp.15-27 E-Book; P306.W6 x3 S; x1 3DL Jyotsna Vaid, ‘Joking Across Languages: Perspectives on Humour, Emotion, and Bilingualism’ in Pavlenko, A. Bilingual Minds. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters 2006, pp. 152-183. P115.4.B54 x1 S See also and the special issue of The Translator vol. 8/2, 2002. Arts Periodical Wierzbicka, Anna. Understanding Cultures Through Their Key Words. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, pp. 1-32 P35.W4 x1 S; x1 3DL; x1 |
3 | Translation and Text typology | Colina, Sonia. ‘Contrastive Rhetoric and Text-Typological Conventions in Translation Teaching’ in Target Arts Periodical 9, pp.335-353. (Short Loan) x1 Photocopy See also Hatim, Basil and Ian Mason. Discourse and the Translator. London: Longman, 1990 P306.H2 x1 S; x3 3DL; x1 SLC and The Translator as Communicator. London: Routledge, 1997. (Short Loan) xP306.H2 x3 S; x1 3DL Trosborg, Anna (ed.) Text Typology and Translation. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1997. P306.2.T3 x1 S; x1 SLC |
4 | Reading Week | Please, catch up with your reading and try to read ahead. |
5 | Linguistic-based translation theories - problems of equivalence | Jakobson, Roman. ‘On Linguistic aspects of translation’ in Venuti, Lawrence The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 2002, E-Book; x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 UIL (2004) x4 S; x2 3DL; x1 SLC (2000) (see above). G. Anderman, ‘’Linguistics and Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation, Harlow: Longman, 2003, pp.11-68 P306.N3 x3 S; x1 SLC (1988) Nida, Eugene. ‘Principles of correspondence’ in Venuti, Lawrence The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 2002, E-Book; x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 UIL (2004) x4 S; x2 3DL; x1 SLC (2000) (see above). Vinay, Jean-Paul and Darbelnet, Jean in Venuti Lawrence The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 2002, E-Book; x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 UIL (2004) x4 S; x2 3DL; x1 SLC (2000) (see above). |
6 | Skopos theory | Nord, Christiane. Translating as a Purposeful Activity. Functionalist Approaches Explained. Manchester: St Jerome, 1997. (relevant extracts in Short Loan) P306.N6 x1 S; x1 3DL; x1 SLC Reiss, Katarina., Translation Criticism- The Potentials and Limitations. Manchester: St Jerome, 2000. PN241.R3 x2 S; x2 3DL (If you cannot get hold of this, read Reiss, Text types, translation types and translation assessment’ article also in Short Loan x1 Photocopy SLC) Vermmer J. Hans. ‘Skopos and commission in translational action’ in Venuti, Lawrence The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 2002, E-Book; x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 UIL (2004) x4 S; x2 3DL; x1 SLC (2000) (see above). |
7 | Descriptive Translation and Polysystems Theory | Evan-Zohar, Itamar. ‘The position of translated literature within the literary polysystem’ in Venuti, Lawrence The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 2002, E-Book; x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 UIL (2004) x4 S; x2 3DL; x1 SLC (see above) Gentzler, Edwin. Contemporary Translation Theories, London: Routledge, 1993, pp. 106-145. PN241.G3 x5 S (2001) x2 S; x1 3DL; x1 SLC |
8 | Norms in Translation Studies | Hermans, Theo. Translation in Systems, Manchester: St Jerome,1998, chapters 6-8 PN241.H3 x4 S; x2 3DL; Chesterman, Andrew. ‘From Is to Ought: Laws, Norms and Strategies in Translation Studies’ in Target 5:1,1993, pp. 1-20 Arts Periodical Toury, Gideon. ‘The nature and role of norms in literary translation’ in Venuti, Lawrence The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 2002, E-Book; x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 UIL (2004) x4 S; x2 3DL; x1 SLC (2000) (see above). |
9 |
From Theory to Practice in literary translation (guest session Margaret Jull-Costa) 10.15 START |
Margaret Jull-Costa, ‘Mind the Gap.Translating the ‘untranslatable’. In Anderman, G (2007) Voices in |
10 |
The Cultural Turn and After |
Bassnett, Susan. ‘ Culture and
Hermans, Theo. The Manipulation of Literature, London: Croom Helm, 1985 PN241.M2 x3 S Bassnett, Susan and Lefevere, Andre. Constructing Cultures. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1998- chapters 1 an 8. E-Book; PN241.B2 x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 LG; x1 SLC Bassnett, Susan and Lefevere, Andre. Translation, History and, Culture London: Pinter Publishers, 1990- Introduction PN241.T7 x3 S; x1 3DL Berman, Anoine, ‘ Translation and the Trials of the Foreign’ in Venuti, Lawrence The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 2002, E-Book; x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 UIL (2004) x4 S; x2 3DL; x1 SLC (see above) Shaeffner, Christina in A Companion to Translation Studies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2007 P306.C6 x2 3DL; x2 SLC; x1 LG Baker, Mona. Translation and Conflict: a Narrative Account. Manchester: St Jerome, 2006 (pp.105-140) E-Book; P306.2.B2 x2 S; x1 3DL; x1 SLC Shaeffner, Christina in A Companion to Translation Studies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2007 P306.C6 x2 3DL; x2 SLC; x1 LG Louise von Flotow in A Companion to |
Additional reading
You will find a substantial bibliography in A Companion to Translation Studies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2007 P306.C6 x2 3DL; x2 SLC; x1 LG. Below is just a short selection to kick off your independent reading.
R. Alvarez, M. Carmen-Africa. Translation, Power, Subversion. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1996 – chapters 1, 2,3 E-Book; P306.T7 x4 S.
G. Anderman and M. Rogers. Words, Words, Words. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1996 E-Book; P306.W6 x3 S; x1 3DL.
G. Anderman and M. Rogers. Translation Today. Clevedon: 2003 P306.T7 x1 S
G. Anderman, G. Voices in
M. Baker. In Other Words. London: 1992. P306.B2 x7 S
W. Barnstone. The Poetics of Translation. London: 1993 PN241.B2 x4 S
S.Bassnett and A. Lefevere (eds.), Constructing Cultures. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1998 E-Book; PN241.B2 x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 LG; x1 SLC.
S. Bassnett. Translation Studies. London: Routledge, 2002 E-Book; PN241.B2 x4S; x1 3DL; x1 UIL; x2 LG.
S. Bassnett. Comparative Literature. Oxford: 1994. PN871.B2 x5 S
S. Bassnett, A. Lefevere (eds), Translation, History, Culture. London: 1996 (paperback) PN241.T7 x2 S; x2 3DL
A. Benjamin. Translation and the Nature of Philosophy. London: 1989. PN241.B3 x12 S; x1 UIL Store
J. Biguenet and R. Schulte (eds), The Craft of Translation. Chicago: 1989. PN241.C7 x1 S
J. Biguenet and R. Schulte (eds), Theories of Translation. Chicago: 1984. PN241.T4 x4 S
J. Catford. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: 1965. P306.C2 x2 S
A. Chesterman (ed.), Readings in Translation Theory. Helsinki: 1989. NIS O/P?
M. Cronin. Translating Ireland. Cork: 2000 PN887.5.I7 x4 S
M. Cronin.
M. Cronin.
Encyclopaedia of Translation Studies (ed.) M. Baker. London: 1998. P306.R6 x1 REF
E. Gentzler. Contemporary Translation Theories, London: Routledge, 1993, PN241.G3 x5 S (2001) x2 S; x1 3DL; x1 SLC.
T. Hermans (ed), The Manipulation of Literature, London: Croom Helm, 1985 PN241.M2 x3 S.
T. Hermans. Translation in Systems, Manchester: St Jerome,1998, chapters 6-8 PN241.H3 x4 S; x2 3DL.
D. Johnston. Stages of Translation. Bath: 1996. PN1708.S8 x2 S
A. Korzeniowska, P. Kuhiwczak, Successful Polish-English Translation. Warsaw: 1994. PG6074.K6 x2 S
J. Holmes. Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies. Amsterdam: 1988. PN241.H6 x3 S
A. Lefevere. Translating Literature.
A. Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Frame. London: 1992. PN241.L3 x5 S; x2 LG
A. Lefevere. Translation, History, Culture. A Sourcebook. London: 1992 PN241.T7 x2 S; x2 3DL
Ch. Martindale. Redeeming the Text. Cambridge: 1991. PA6047.M2 x1 S; x1 LG
J. Munday. Introducing Translation Studies. London: 2002 P306.M8 x3 S; x2 3DL; x1 UIL; x2 LG
E. Nida. Towards a Science of Translating. Leiden: 1964. BS450.N4 x2 S (2003) x2 S (1964)
T. Niranjana. Siting Translation.
P. Newmark. Approaches to Translation. London: 1982 P306.N3 x1 S; x1 SLC; x1 LG
P. Newmark. A Textbook of Translation, Hemel Hempstead: 1988, pp.11-68 P306.N3 x3 S; x1 SLC.
The Oxford Guide to Literature in Translation (ed.) P. France, Oxford: 2000 ZPR131.O9 x1 REF
A. Pym. Method in Translation History. Manchester: 1998. P306.P9 x2 S
M. Salama-Carr.
S. Simon. Gender in Translation. Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission. London: Routledge, 1996 E-Book; PN241.S4 x4 S.
M. Snell-Hornby. Translation Studies. An Integrated Approach. Amsterdam: 1988. PN241.T7 x7 S
G. Steiner. After Babel. London: 1992 PN241.S8 x3 S (1998 3rd Ed.) x1 S (1992 2nd Ed.) x2 S (1975)
H. Scolnicov and P. Holland. The Play Out of Context. Cambridge: 1989. PN2058.5.P5 x2 S
The Translation Studies Reader. (ed.) L. Venuti, London: Routledge, 2002. E-Book; x2 S; x2 3DL; x1 UIL (2004) x4 S; x2 3DL; x1 SLC (2000)
M. Ulrych. Translating Texts. Milan: 1990. NIS
L. Venuti. The Translator's Invisibility. P306.V3 x3 S; x2 3DL, London: 1995
L. Venuti. Rethinking Translation.(ed), London: 1992. PN241.R3 x4 S; x1 3DL
A. Wierzbicka. Understanding Cultures Through Their Key Words. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, P35.W4 x1 S; x1 3DL; x1 SLC
W. Wills. The Science of Translation, Tubingen: 1982. PN241.W4 x1 S
Williams, Jenny & Andrew Chesterman. The Map : a Beginner's Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies Manchester: 2002. P306.5.W4 x3 S; x1 UIL
Two journals: Target (E-Journal and Arts periodical) and Meta (E-Journal) are available online. Perspectives in Translatology (E-Journal; Arts Periodical) and The Translator (Arts Periodical) are available in the Library . John Benjamins’