Introduction to Research Methods
Convenor / Tutor: Dr Pablo Mukherjee (H518)
Autumn Term: Weeks 2-5: Wednesday, 1:00-3:00.
All students taking the MA in Writing must pass the English Department’s introductory course on Research Methods. The course provides skills which everyone involved professionally in literary work is likely to need at some point in his or her career. By the end of the course, it is expected that students will demonstrate: a sound understanding of research methods, including the use of electronic sources; an ability to reference sources in a scholarly manner including any essays / commentaries written as part of a creative writing module; an ability to conduct literary research; an ability to integrate research into their creative writing projects as well as the essays / commentaries which accompany these projects; and a thorough understanding of the university’s provision of library and online resources.
This module introduces students to the basic issues and procedures of literary research, including electronic resources. Sessions are conducted by English Department staff members and by the subject librarian, Mr Peter Larkin.
The seminars will take place in weeks 2-5 of the autumn term. All sessions are on Wednesday afternoons from 1.00-3.00. Full details and venues will available on-line at the beginning of the year. Note that the week 2 and 3 meetings will take place in the Library.
Week 2: Bibliography, Style and the Book – Professor Jeremy Treglown (In F107 (Engineering Block)
Week 3: Resources in Research (i) – Mr. Peter Larkin
Week 4: Resources in Research (ii) – Mr. Peter Larkin
Week 5: Plagiarism - Professor Jeremy Treglown (in F107 Engineering Block)
Students will be required to complete a short two-part exercise. Part I will consist of a bibliographical exercise, and Part II of a number of advanced electronic search exercises. Both must be submitted to the English Graduate Secretary by 12 noon on Monday, Week 6. The exercise is marked as Pass/Fail. If you receive a Fail, you will receive appropriate feedback and will be required to resubmit. The award of an MA is contingent upon successful completion of the assessment for this module.