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Postgraduate news and events

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

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How do I use this calendar?

You can click on an event to display further information about it.

The toolbar above the calendar has buttons to view different events. Use the left and right arrow icons to view events in the past and future. The button inbetween returns you to today's view. The button to the right of this shows a mini-calendar to let you quickly jump to any date.

The dropdown box on the right allows you to see a different view of the calendar, such as an agenda or a termly view.

If this calendar has tags, you can use the labelled checkboxes at the top of the page to select just the tags you wish to view, and then click "Show selected". The calendar will be redisplayed with just the events related to these tags, making it easier to find what you're looking for.

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Ben Clarke (UNC Greensboro), "Literature and the Lumpenproletariat"

Ben Clarke is an associate professor specializing in British literature after 1900 and critical theory. He has particular interests in working-class writing, cultural studies, and the literature of the nineteen-thirties. He is the author of Orwell in Context: Communities, Myths, Values (Palgrave, 2007), co-author, with Michael Bailey and John K. Walton, of Understanding Richard Hoggart: A Pedagogy of Hope (Blackwell, 2012), and co-editor, with Nick Hubble, of Working-Class Writing: Theory and Practice (Palgrave, 2018).
