Fifth Annual Postgraduate Symposium, 2009
Wednesday June 24th 2009
Wolfson Research Exchange, Main Library
9:00 - 9:30 Tea and coffee on arrival
9:30 - 9:45 Opening remarks Professor Thomas Docherty, Head of Department
9:45 - 10:45 Panel 1: Literary Spaces Chair - Dr. Gill Frith
Mary Mullen: "Forced into the Struggle for Life': A Drama in Muslin's Novel History"
Emily Senior: "Medical and Literary Geographies of the Eighteenth Century"
10:45 - 11:15 Tea and coffee break
11:15 - 12:15 Panel 2: Aesthetics and Aestheticism Chair - Dr. Michael John Kooy
Miho Wako: "Liberty's: Popular Aestheticism, an Obsession with Originality, and the East"
Barry Sheils: "From Dignity to Beauty: Aesthetics and 'Easter 1916'"
12:15 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 2:30 Panel 3: Victorian Literatures Chair - Dr. Emma Francis
Jiwon Chung: "Visibility and Invisibility: Late-Victorian Beauty and the Female Body"
Charlotte Mathieson: "Traversing the City: Embodied Transit Spaces in Charlotte Bronte's Villette"
2:30 - 3:00 Tea and coffee break
3:00 - 4:20 Panel 4: Anglo-Centrism, Multiculturalism and World Literatures Chair - Professor Benita Parry
Andrew Webb: "Re-unifying Britain: Twentieth-Century Anglocentrism"
Sumana Ray: "Beyond Multiculturalism: Emergence of the Liminal Briton"
Yamen Rahmoun Rahwan: "Continental Allegories of Power: Garcia Marquez's Solitary Figures"
4:20 - 4:40 Closing Remarks Professor Catherine Bates, Director of Graduate Studies
4:40 Wine Reception