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Finalists' results and degree classifications will be released on 4th July 2024 - may be subject to change

First year results and progression decisions will be released on 11th July 2024 - may be subject to change

Intermediate results and progression decisions will be released on 18th July 2024 - may be subject to change

Marks and written feedback on your assignments will be published and available to view in Tabula during Term 3. Please note: your feedback may not necessarily be published within the usual 20 working days; this is because our Term 3 marking has to be prioritised according to our exam board schedule, which reflects the University's timetable for publication of results for each year group.

All marks are provisional until ratified by the exam boards.

On the relevant date for you, the 'Modules' tab in TabulaLink opens in a new window will show you your results for the year (and your overall degree classification if you're a Finalist). It will also show your marks in each module. (If you are a Finalist, please bear in mind that your final degree classification takes into account not just your average mark in each of your Honours years but also other factors such as any mitigating circumstances.)

'Progression decision' is your overall result.

FFA/Resit: if you are required to take further assessments this will be shown under the ‘Modules’ tab in Tabula.Link opens in a new window You will also receive more detailed information by email from both the University and Department.

The assignments will be available on Tabula for you to re-submit over the next couple of weeks.

The deadline for resubmission is 27th August 2024.