Sharae Deckard | Nick Lawrence | Neil Lazarus | Graeme Macdonald | Paulo de Medeiros | Pablo Mukherjee | Benita Parry | Myka Tucker-Abramson | Rashmi Varma | Sorcha Gunne | Caitlin Vandertop | Christine Okoth |
Dr Sharae Deckard - University College DublinSharae Deckard is Lecturer in World Literature in the School of English at University College Dublin, and has been a member of WREC since its founding in 2007. She is author of Paradise Discourse, Imperialism and Globalization (Routledge 2010) and co-author of the Combined and Uneven Development: Towards a New Theory of World-Literature (Liverpool 2015). With Rashmi Varma, she is co-editor of Marxism, Postcolonial Theory and the Future of Critique: Critical Engagements with Benita Parry (Routledge 2019), and with Stephen Shapiro, co-editor of World Literature, Neoliberalism, and the Culture of Discontent (2020). She has also edited special issues of Ariel on “Experimental Writing and Globalization”; Journal of World-Systems Research on “Ireland in the World-System”; Green Letters on “Global and Postcolonial Ecologies”; and Journal of Postcolonial Writing on “Postcolonial Studies and World Literature.” Her most recent special issue is “Food, Energy and Climate: Ireland in the World-Ecology,” in the Irish University Review, co-edited with Lucy Collins. Her research centres on world-ecology and world-systems approaches to postcolonial and world literature. Email: sharae dot deckard at ucd dot ie Dr Nick Lawrence |
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Nick Lawrence works on American literature and culture of the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries, with emphasis on its international contexts; on critical theory, mainly Adorno and the Frankfurt School; and on modernist and contemporary poetry and poetics. Among his publications are How to Read Adorno and Horkheimer’s Dialectic of Enlightenment (Pluto, forthcoming), The Collected Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Cambridge Scholars Press, forthcoming) and North American Language Poetries, 1965–2000 (Casa de Letras, 2005). His current projects include two monographs, World Literature and the Origins of Modernism, on situating the problem of ‘global modernism’ within an emergent nineteenth-century paradigm of world literature, and The Non-Aligned: Post-Bandung Poetics, a study of mid-twentieth century poetic internationalism. Email: N dot Lawrence at warwick dot ac dot uk
Professor Neil Lazarus |
Neil Lazarus works on 'postcolonial' literatures and cultures; postcolonial theory; imperialism, nationalism and anticolonial resistance; modernisation/capitalist modernity/modernism; globalisation; world literature, especially when theorised as literature of the modern world-system; distant reading; and new theories of literary comparativism. More broadly, he works on modern literature – the novel; the literature of Empire; modernist literature and theories of modernism; literary and cultural theory; critical social theory, especially Marxism, the Frankfurt school, the sociology of culture and world-system theory. His current project is the WREC collaboration Combined and Uneven Development: Towards a New Theory of World-Literature. He has published Resistance in Postcolonial African Fiction (Yale, 1990); Nationalism and Cultural Practice in the Postcolonial World (CUP, 1999); Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies (CUP, 2002); The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Literary Studies (CUP, 2004); and The Postcolonial Unconscious (CUP, 2011), as well as numerous essays in such journals as Cultural Critique, Diaspora, differences, New Formations, Race & Class, Research in African Literatures, South Atlantic Quarterly, and Textual Practice. Chapters recently in the Oxford Handbook to Postcolonial Studies (ed. Graham Huggan, OUP, forthcoming 2013) and Global Modernisms (ed. Mark Wollaeger, OUP, 2012); recent essays in Textual Practice (forthcoming 2013), Journal of Postcolonial Writing (2012), Race & Class (2011), and Journal of Commonwealth Literature (2011). He is especially interested in supervising doctoral projects addressed to the world literary system or to materialist questions in postcolonial studies. Email: N dot Lazarus at warwick dot ac dot uk |
Professor Graeme Macdonald |
Graeme Macdonald's research interests lie in the relationship between literature and the social sciences, from the nineteenth century to the present; globalisation and world literature; resource culture and petrofiction; modern and contemporary Scottish and British devolutionary culture; world naturalist fiction and theory; literary and cultural theory; science fiction and ecocriticism. He is editor of Scottish Literature and Postcolonial Literature (EUP 2011) and Post Theory: New Directions in Criticism (EUP, 1999) and is currently preparing a monograph, Shifting Territory: Scottish and World Literature Since 1968 and, in the longer term, a study of oil and world fiction. Email: G dot Macdonald at warwick dot ac dot uk |
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Professor Paulo de MedeirosPaulo de Medeiros works on modern and contemporary World-Literature; Postcolonial studies, the European Novel, Critical Theory, Modernism, and Memory Studies. He focuses both on the novel as well as on poetry. He often draws on texts from Portuguese or Lusophone sources, with a special emphasis on Fernando Pessoa. He also has an interest in photography and film. Currently he is one of the co-editors of the MHRA journal Portuguese Studies, as well as of Pessoa Plural, and Compoetics (dedicated to comparative studies of poetry and poetics), besides serving on the editorial board of a number of other periodicals. He is co-editor of two book series, Reconfiguring Identities in the Portuguese-speaking World (with Cláudia Pazos Alonso; Peter Lang) and Culture & Conflict (with Isabel C. Gil and Catherine Nesci; de Gruyter). He published two books on Pessoa and modernity, Pessoa’s Geometry of the Abyss: Modernity and the Book of Disquiet (Legenda, 2013) and O Silêncio das Sereias: Ensaio sobre o Livro do Desasossego (Tinta da China, 2015). At the moment he is co-editing two volumes of essays, one on Critical Theory and the other on New African Film and is at work on a monograph on post-imperial Europe. At Warwick he also leads (with Thomas Docherty) the international network on Critical Theory. He is an associate researcher with the ERC-funded Memoirs project, on the memories and post-memories of children of Empire in Belgium, France, and Portugal, which is based at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. He is especially interested in supervising doctoral projects on World-Literature, on Lusophone cultures and on Modernism. Email: P dot de-Medeiros at warwick dot ac dot uk |
Professor Pablo MukherjeePablo Mukherjee researches and supervises in the following areas: Victorian to contemporary imperial/colonial and anti-imperial/anticolonial cultures; postcolonial theory and literatures; crime fiction; travel writing; environmental/eco-theory and literatures; science fiction; comparative and world literary systems. His publications include Crime and Empire: Representing India in the Nineteenth-Century (OUP: Oxford, 2003); Postcolonial Environments: Nature, Culture and the Contemporary Indian Novel in English (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010); Natural Disasters and Victorian Imperial Culture: Fevers and Famines (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). His most recent monograph is Final Frontiers: Science Fiction and Techno-Science in Non-Aligned India (Liverpool University Press, 2020). Email: U dot Mukherjee at warwick dot ac dot uk |
Professor Benita Parry |
Benita Parry (1931-2019) was a pioneer scholar of the literature of colonialism and imperialism and of postcolonial studies. She contributed essays to the Said Reader (1992); Relocating Postcolonialism (2002); The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Literary Studies (2004); Conrad in the 21st Century (2004); Paragraph: Special Issue on The Idea of the Literary (2006); Emancipation and Representation (2006); and Journal of Postcolonial Writing (2005). She was the author of several books, including Delusions and Discoveries: Studies on India in the British Imagination (1972); Conrad and Imperialism: Ideological Boundaries and Visionary Frontiers (co-editor, 1984); Cultural Representations of Imperialism: Edward Said and the Gravity of History (co-editor, 1998); Postcolonial Criticism and Theory (co-editor, 1999); and Postcolonial Studies: A Materialist Critique (2004). Among her last interventions were responses to work by Robert Young, Dipesh Chakrabarty and Vivek Chibber on postcolonial studies. Email: B dot Parry at warwick dot ac dot uk |
Dr Myka Tucker-AbramsonMyka Tucker-Abramson’s research and teaching interests lie broadly in twenty- and twenty-first American literature, transnational feminisms, urban geography and theory, and queer and critical race theory. She is the author of Novel Shocks: Manhattan's Urban Renewal and the Origins of Neoliberalism (Fordham UP, 2018), articles on Flannery O'Connor and the rise of the new right, Ayn Rand and shock therapy, Invisible Man and 1940s New York housing politics, and globalization and neoliberalism (Wiley Blackwell Companion to Critical and Cultural Theory, 2016). Email: M dot Abramson at warwick dot ac dot uk |
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Dr Rashmi VarmaRashmi Varma teaches postcolonial and world literature and transnational feminist theory at the University of Warwick. She is the author of The Postcolonial City and its Subjects (2011). With Sharae Deckard she has edited Marxism, Postcolonial Theory and the Future of Critique: Critical Engagements with Benita Parry (2019), and with Subir Sinha she has edited a special symposium, “Marxism and Postcolonial Theory: What is Left of the Debate?” for the journal Critical Sociology. She is the founder-editorial collective member of a new journal, Feminist Dissent. Email: Rashmi dot Varma at warwick dot ac dot uk Dr Caitlin VandertopCaitlin Vandertop’s research interests include modern and contemporary world literatures, postcolonial studies, urban culture, and the environmental and oceanic humanities. She has a special interest in writing from Oceania. She is the author of Modernism in the Metrocolony: Urban Cultures of Empire in Twentieth Century Literature (Cambridge UP, 2021) and co-editor (with Sudesh Mishra) of a forthcoming volume on Commodities and Literature. She is currently working on a monograph about island literatures and successive resource regimes in the Pacific. Dr Sorcha Gunne |
Sorcha Gunne’s research interests include contemporary world literature and world literary systems, postcolonial theories and literatures, and gender studies. Her publications include Feminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation (co-editor, Routledge, 2010), ‘Contemporary Caitlín: Gender and society in Celtic Tiger Popular Fiction,’ Etudes Irlandaises (2012), ‘Breaking the Bonds of Domination: Embodied Heroines, Rape Culture and Possibilities of Resistance in Short Stories by Isabel Allende and Rosario Castellanos,’ Contemporary Women’s Writing (2013) and ‘Mind the Gap: An interview with Neil Lazarus,’ Postcolonial Text (2012). She is currently working on a monograph about spaces of violence in South African writing. Email: s dot gunne at warwick dot ac dot uk |
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Dr Christine OkothChristine Okoth is Lecturer in Literatures and Cultures of the Black Atlantic at King’s College London. She was previously Research Fellow on Mike Niblett and Chris Campbell’s Leverhulme Project World Literature and Commodity Frontiers at the University of Warwick. Christine's work is primarily concerned with questions of environment and race in contemporary Black literature and visual art. She is currently working on a book project entitled Race and the Raw Material and her essays have been published or are forthcoming in Novel: A Forum on Fiction, Modern Fiction Studies, Textual Practice, Cambridge Quarterly and The White Review.