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In constructing the database on which this website is built we used Microsoft Access 2000. This allowed us to create a complex relational database providing details on individual writers, their place and dates of birth, dates of death, and their marital and educational status. For many writers this type of information was not available and the biographical details were provided where that information was available and reliable. Where known we also provided the various names and pseudonyms under which women wrote and were published.

With regard to publications we entered the details of books and articles written by women. Included here are the titles of work, the date of first, and subsequent, publication, and translations, if any. We also included the names and place of the publisher and printer, where known. Within publications we have also included the genre of the written work, where known, and again where available made known whether the work is illustrated and we have linked illustrated work with the names of the illustrators. For plays we have provided details of first production and the name of the theatre company who first produced the work. For film we have provided details of the film title, production company and director.

For periodical literature we have provided details of the journal in which the article appears, its genre, the date of publication and where known the page references.