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LL235  Learning German 2

For a full description of the module and its level, book lists and assessment schemes you should consult the Language Centre website at

Click on ‘Academic Study’ and then ‘UG Modules’ and then ‘German’ and then the module number.

It is important that you attend all the timetabled sessions and that you participate fully in all associated activities. Be sure to give advance notice of any unavoidable absence.

It is your responsibility to complete all work set for the module. Any written work set must be handed in on time: work handed in late may not be marked.

It is further your responsibility to attend for all formal assessments. You are required to attend at the time of your normal meeting: unless you have express permission, you will not be allowed to attend at any other time.

Exam 1 (written) will be in Week 10 (Monday 3rd / Thursday 6th December 2007).

Exam 2 (written) will be in Week 20 (Monday 10th March / Thursday 13th March 2008)

Exam 3 (oral) will be in week 24

Exam 4 (required in order to achieve 30 credits) will be in Week 21

Weightings are as follows:

            24 Credits    30 Credits

Exam 1            15       12.5

Exam 2            35        25

Oral Exam       20        20

Exam 3            30        22.5

Extra 6 CATS Exam      20


Your responsibilities:

  • To attend all classes and participate fully in class activities
  • To notify Tutor in advance of any unavoidable absence(s)
  • To complete all the 'non-assessed' work set by the tutor
  • To be present at formal assessment tests
  • To present medical evidence (doctor's certificate) in cases of absence at formal assessments



Click here to find out how to use Tuco and Gapmaster (Word Document) in Open Access, including how to type umlaut. 

Click here for the abbreviations(Word Document) for the correction of your essays

Click here for how to type Umlaut (Word Document)

Useful websites

If you have any questions email me at