Japanese Level 2 - SOW 2013-14
Tutor: Chiyomi
Text book: Minna no nihongo I
Updated: 19/09/2013
Term 1
W 1
W 2
Minna no Nihongo I L5, 7,11&12
Covering some expressions up to L11 which are not in JBPI
- Saying nowhere, nothing, etc.
- Completion of the action
- Frequency in a week, month, etc
- Something is not much (only ~)
Revision of level 1 grammar (Present tense of Adjectives)
Guidance on the module
Kanji 1. Number (1)
W 3
Minna no Nihongo I L12
Describing things/people in comparison
- Something/someone is ~ more than ~
- Something/someone is the most ~ among ~
Revision of level 1 grammar (Past tense of Adjectives)
Kanji Homework Guidance
W 4
Minna no Nihongo I L13, 14 & 15
Stating purpose of going somewhere
Revision of level 1 expressions
- Asking to do something
- Stating action in progress
Revision of level 1 grammar (Te form of Verbs)
Kanji 2. Number (2)
W 5
Minna no Nihongo I L15 & 16
Giving permission
Expressing prohibition
Revision of level 1 expressions
- A state resulted from a certain action in a past eg. I am married
- Connecting sentences which end with verb (eg. I read a book and write a letter)
Expressing a sequence of events
Kanji 3. Day of the week
W 6
Minna no Nihongo I L16 & 17
Describing things/people using particle ‘ga’
Describing things/people
- Connecting sentences which end with adjective (eg. This cake is nice and cheap.)
Revision of level 1 grammar (Nai form of Verbs)
Kanji Revision
W 7
Minna no Nihongo I L17
Expressing the necessity
Expressing the unnecessity
Revision of level 1 grammar (Dictionary form of Verbs)
Kanji 4. Position/Nature
W 8
Minna no Nihongo I L18
Stating ability and hobby
- Using Dictionary form of verbs
Expressing a sequence of events
Kanji 5. Body
W 9
Expressing something is not easy to do
Expressing to emphasize hope and request: (Eg. Please do come and visit us)
Saying how to do things(Eg. Can you tell me how to use computer, please?)
Practice for Reading Test
W 10
Test 1
- Assessed – Reading with Grammar & Kanji (No dictionary)
- Non-assessed – Writing (No dictionary)
If you are ill on the day, please get a doctor’s note and contact your tutor
Term 2
Minna no Nihongo I L19
Talking about past expreience
- I have done ~ (in the past)
Expressing some events from the list
- I do things like ~ and ~ and so on.
Ta form
Kanji 6. People
W 2
Minna no Nihongo I L19 & 20
Describing a change in a state
- Something/someone becomes ~
Plain form of Verbs and I-adjectives
Minna no Nihongo I L20
Plain form of Existence and State
- There is/are~, has been ¬ing
Plain form of other verbs
Plain form of some expressions
Summary of Plain form
Kanji 7. Time(1)
W 4
Minna no Nihongo I L21
Stating opinions
Indirect quotation
Comfirming an agreement
Saying number in total (eg. It 500 yen in total.)
Kanji 8. Time(2)
W 5
Minna no Nihongo I L22
Modifying clauses
- Something which ~, Someone who ~
Kanji 9. Adjectives
W 6
Minna no Nihongo I L23
Expressing the time when the action has taken place
Expressing natural or habitual results
- ~ will happen if/when you ~
Kanji 10. Verb
W 7
Minna no Nihongo I L24
Giving and receiving
Doing a favour
- I/Someone does ~ for someone
Kanji 11. Other(1)
W 8
Minna no Nihongo I L24
Receiving a favour
Someone does ~ for someone (from receiver’s point of view)Someone does ~ for me
Kanji 12. Other (2)
Practice for Listening examination and Writing test
W 10
Test 2
- Assessed – Writing with Grammar & Kanji (No dictionary)
Listening Exam
If you are ill on the day, please get a doctor’s note and contact your tutor
Term 3
Contents |
W 1 |
no face-to-face class |
W2 |
Minna no Nihongo I L25Stating hypothetical statments
Talking about future events
- I will do ~, when/if ~
- I will do ~, even if ~
W 3 |
Review for Final Exam Practice for Oral Exam |
W 4 Date to be confirmed |
Final Exam
- Reading (No dictionary)
- Writing (No dictionary)
If you are ill on the day, please get a doctor’s note and contact your tutor |
W 5 |
Oral Exam (by appointment) |