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Japanese 4 Homework08-09



 Week 3 
  1. Practice using a voice board.   Topic:  Foods you like and dislike 
  2. Vocabulary checking using Reading Tutor.    Textbook pages 25, 26 and 29
 Week 4 
  1.  Read p35-36 and complete a check list for travelling in Egypt <submission>
  2. Send a message (about 1-2 minutes) using a voice board.  Topic:  Advice for travelling.  <submission>
  3. Vocabulary checking using Reading Tutor.    Textbook pages 31,32, 35 and 36.
  4. Kanji checking using Kanji Anatomy.   Kanji list.
 Week 5
  1. Find out about Kanji Radicals.   Also use Kanji Anatomy
  2. Vocabulary checking using Reading Tutor.    Textbook page 45
  3. Kanji checking using Kanji Anatomy.   Kanji list.
  4. Write a letter to your teacher about your imaginary stay abroad.
 Week 6
  1. Vocabulary checking using Reading Tutor.    Textbook pages and 57
  2. Kanji checking using Kanji Anatomy.   Kanji list.
  3. Write a short essay on the national trait or comparison of two cities/countries 
  4. Watch JSTV and send a voice message about the programme you watched.   Programme guide
 Week 7

  No homework to submit

  1. Kanji list.
 Week 8   No homework to submit
 Week 9   No homework to submit
 Week 10  Kanji which became hiragana / katakana
 Week 11  No homework to submit
 Week 12  Very short story writing
 Week 13
  1.  Reading comprehension  Read p96 of the textbook and answer the questions.
  2.  Translation
  3.  Read and listen to murder stories written by other students-Use Reading Tutor for difficult words

                                 Bryan       text      audio

                                 Lucie        text      audio

                                 Lam         text     audio

                                 Sarah      text      audio

                                 Tom        text      audio

                                 Yolanda  text      audio

 Week 14
  1.  Read 発言小町(Agony Aunt) and write your advice.  Please send it to me (not to the Yomiuri News Paper)
  2.  Read advice written by other students.

                                 Bryan      text            

                                 Lam        text 

                                 Sarah     text

                                 Tom        text

                                 Yolanda  text

 Week 15  No homework to submit
 Week 16  Read the two letters and write your advice.  Please email it to me as an attachment.
 Week 17  No homework to submit
 Week 18  No homework to submit
 Week 19  No homework to submit
 Week 20

 Easter holiday homework (Deadline 20 April)

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Essay writing