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Scheme of Work

Scheme of Work

Course: Academic Learning Japanese 4

Text book: みんなの日本語初級II

Term 1

Week 1 Registration  
Week 2 Introduction to the course  Lesson 39: A cause and the consequence ~て / ~なくて / ~くて / ~で  (N)+で
Week 3 Lesson 39: Indicating causes and reasons Kanji (自然:8) ~ので / ~なので  とちゅうで
Week 4 Lesson 40: Forming indirect questions / The action denoted by the verb as a trial Kanji (試験:13) ~か / ~か どうか ~てみます (いadj-い) さ = (N)  ~でしょうか
Week 5 Lesson 41: Giving and Receiving of things / Giving and Receiving of actions Kanji (テスト:12) いただきます / くださいます / やります  ~て くださいませんか
Week 6 Lesson 41: Particle that indicates method of use  Lesson 42: Indicating a purpose (N)+に / ~ために  ~のに / (N)+に    
Week 7 Lesson 42: Indicating the minimum amount estimate / Indicating the amount estimate is a lot  Lesson43: "to go somewhere, do something and come back" Kanji (部首:13) (Quantifier)は / (Quantifier)も  ~て 来ます  ~て くれませんか  
Week 8 Lesson 43: "look like" & "look" Kanji (動詞:13) ~そうです
Week 9 Review for the test
Week 10 Interim Tests (up to Lesson 43)  Reading, Writing  

Term 1 Exam: Up to and including what you have learned by Week 8. You should be able to read and write in Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. No dictionary allowed.

Term 2

Week 1 Lesson 44: Indicating the degree of an action or a state is excessive / Describing the easiness or difficulty in handling or doing something Indicating somebody turns something into a certain state / Expressing selection and/or decision Kanji (形容詞:9). ~すぎます  ~やすいです / ~にくいです  ~く/ ~に します  (N)+に します 
Week 2 Lesson 45: Expression used to talk about a hypothetical situation / Expressing ideas that run contrary to expectation Kanji (体・病気:13) ~ばあい  ~のに / ~なのに
Week 3 Lesson 46: Stressing a certain point in time during the course of an action / Describing not much time has passed since a certain action or event occurred / Expressing certainty ~ところです / ~て いる ところです / ~た ところです  ~た ばかりです  ~はずです / ~な はずです / (N)+の はずです
Week 4 Lesson 47: Conveying information gained elsewhere / Expressing impressions / Things that can be perceived through the senses Kanji (部首:13) ~そうです / ~ようです/ ~な ようです  ~が します
Week 5 Lesson 48: Making someone else perform an action 1 Kanji (動詞:11) Causative verbs : ~せる / ~させる
Week 6 Lesson 48: Making someone else perform an action 2 Causative verbs : ~せる / ~させる
Week 7 Lesson 49: Respectful expression 1 Kanji(その他1:11) Honorific expressions (Keigo)
Week 8 Lesson 49: Respectful expression 2 Kanji (接辞:14) Honorific expressions (Keigo)
Week 9 Lesson 50: Humble expressions Kanji (その他2:13) Honorific expressions (Keigo)
Week 10 Review  

Term 2 Exam: Up to and including Lesson 50. You should be able to read and write in Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. No dictionary allowed.

Term 3

Week 1 Review  
Week 2 Review  
Week 3 Final Exams  Reading & Writing  
Week 3 or 4 Oral Exam  

Final Exam: Up to and including Lesson 50. You should be able to read and write in Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. No dictionary allowed.