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e-portfolio criteria 11-12

Assessment criteria.

e-portfolio assessment form.

Assessor name


Student name

Module number

Audience awareness, focus

student has clearly selected relevant materials for the purpose of assessment, shows understanding of criteria

1 2.1 2.2 3 F

little/no evidence of selection, poor understanding of the purpose of page created for assessment

Use of media/technology to enhance reader’s engagement

good use of the technologies available, some creativity, e-portfolio enhanced with good use of range of media

1 2.1 2.2 3 F

minimal use of technical possibilities, evidence and presentation do not enhance the narrative, difficult for assessor to follow

Effective use of e-portfolio page for conveying the learning process

highly authentic, personal, engaging and thought provoking, gives the right amount of detail, not too long or too short, assessor can see student’s personal engagement with language learning process and efforts made to address difficulties.

1 2.1 2.2 3 F

seems contrived/false/superficial

predictable, not very interesting and has little impact, story rambles and seems too long/too short or disjointed. No evidence of the application of learning strategies

Analysis & Reflection

(Why?, So what? Now what?)

extensive reflection and critical analysis, develops a clear personal application, shows understanding of experiences and gives plans for future language learning.

1 2.1 2.2 3 F

little analysis and reflection ,mostly descriptive, lacks explicit personal awareness to apply to future language learning.

Appropriateness to task

Page has a suitable tone for intended use, student has articulated and evidenced their language learning persona

1 2.1 2.2 3 F

page does not have suitable tone for task, no real insights into their own language learning persona


August 2011