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Spanish Language for Contemporary Hispanic Culture (LL309)

(Equivalent to level 7)

This module runs in Term 2. Please also see Spanish Language for Enterprise for Term 1.



Advanced. The module is offered to students who have an advanced knowledge of Spanish: i.e. good A level + one year of further study (or equivalent), or who have successfully completed Spanish 6 at the Language Centre.

Main Objectives:

The module builds on previous years of language learning by aiming to maximise fluency and accuracy in written and oral/aural Spanish .

This module is designed to enable the students to use the Spanish language in furtherance of their career by familiarising them with aspects of Hispanic language and institutions, the way of life, culture, history and politics of Spain and Latin America.


15 CREDITS, also available for 12 CREDITS.


One 2-hour language class each week for nine weeks (including written examination).

Students are reminded that 1 credit = 10 hours of study, therefore the minimum expected amount of study is 120 hours. A substantial amount of independent study is therefore required.Students will use Moodle (our virtual learning environment) to facilitate this.


Ana Devenport

Course Text

No textbook is required. Films, texts and other learning material will be provided by the tutors.

Course Description

This module:

  • is taught entirely in Spanish.
  • is organised around the development of one topic per week. Students are expected to participate fully in discussions and develop all assigned activities.
  • examines important contemporary issues in Spanish-speaking societies to enable students to develop their language proficiency and cultural awareness.
  • requires students to read a selection of documents related to the topics discussed in class and to write a weekly essay.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, students will have:

  • Further developed reading, writing, aural and oral skills through the study of authentic materials and the exploration of topics and current affairs linked to the Spanish-speaking world.
  • Demonstrated their ability to communicate complex arguments in writing and orally, with a high degree of accuracy and fluency.
  • Shown their ability to use different registers, and a variety of complex grammatical structures and idiomatic expressions.
  • Developed an understanding of regional Spanish language variations, and an enhanced awareness and appreciation of Spanish and Latin American cultures.


Skill-based, so the syllabus will draw on a variety of media and authentic resources from around the Spanish-speaking world, such as, film, television interviews, documentaries, video clips, newspaper and magazine articles, excerpts from novels/short stories, etc.

Each week a number of texts will be recommended for further exploration of the topics discussed in class.

Assessment Scheme:

Assessment summary and skills weighting: Assessment

Marking criteria (written): Marking criteria

Marking criteria (oral): Marking criteria