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Professor Brenda Hosington

Brenda Hosington image
  • 2018-2021 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 'Trajectories of Translation in Early Modern Britain (1473-1660): Routes, Mediations, Networks'. Co-Investigator
  • 2013-2016 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. ' Translation and the Making of Early Modern Print Culture (1473-1660)'. Co-Investigator.
  • 2007-2011 Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship, @Renaissance Cultural Crossroads: An Annotated and Analytical Catalogue of Translations Printed in Britain 1473-1640. Principal Investigator.

L.-es-L. (Nice), D.E.S (Nice), PhD (Western Ontario)


Electronic publication

* Online free access catalogue of all translations into and out of all languages printed in Britain and all translations out of all languages into English printed on the Continent. The catalgogue, entitled Cultural Crosscurrents Catalogue of Translations in Stuart and Commonwealth Britain 1641-1660, is a continuation, with some adaptations, of the Renaissance Cultural Crossroads Catalogue. It was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada within the parameters of an Insight Grant (2013-2017) awarded to Marie-Alice Belle and Brenda Hosington.

* Online free access catalogue with over 6500 detailed entries of all translations into and out of all languages printed in Britain and all translations out of all languages into English printed on the Continent. The catalogue is entitled Renaissance Cultural Crossroads: An Annotated Catalogue of Translations in Britain, 1473-1640 and was funded by the Leverhulme Trust (see Projects page). This is now downloadable (


  • Thresholds of Translation: Paratexts, Print, and Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Britain, eds. Marie-Alice Belle and Brenda M. Hosington (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).
  • Renaissance Cultural Crossroads: Translation, Print, and Culture in Britain, 1473-1640, eds. Sara K. Barker and Brenda M. Hosington (Leiden: Brill, 2013).
  • Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Cantabrigiensis. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Cambridge, 2000 (Tempe, Arizona: MRTS, 2003). [Co-Editor.]
  • Elizabeth Jane Weston Complete Writings, eds. Donald Cheney and Brenda M. Hosington (Toronto and London: University of Toronto Press, 2000). [Winner of the Josephine Roberts Distinguished Edition of 2000 Award]
  • Anne, Margaret and Jane Seymour, Mortem Margaritae Valesiae; Le Tombeau de Marguerite de Navarre, ed. Brenda M. Hosington. Edition with Introduction. Vol. 16 of The Printed Writings of Early Modern Englishwomen, 1500-1640 (London and New York: Scholar Press, 2000).
  • Pleyn Delit. (Toronto and London: University of Toronto Press, 1996).' [Co-author with Constance B. Hieatt.]
  • A Practical Guide to Translation and Bilingual Revision (Montréal: Editions Linguatech, 1980). [Author.]
  • Pain, vin et veneison (Toronto and London: University of Toronto Press, 1978). [Author.

Recent and Forthcoming Guest Edited Special Issues of Journals

  •  Philological Quarterly, 102 (2-3), 2023. Double issue, eight articles, ‘Early Modern Indirect Translation’. Co-editor with Marie-Alice Belle.
  • Forum for Modern Language Studies 58 (4), 2022. “‘Delivered at second hand ?’ Mediated Translations in Early Modern Britain.’’ In “Talking Points: A Forum for Opening Critical Debate.” Co-editor with Marie-Alice Belle.
  • Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme 43 (2), 2020. Co-editor with Marie-Alice Belle. Special issue: 'Transformative Translations: Textual, Material, and Cultural Encounters in Early Modern Britain and France'.
  • Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 46 (2), 2019. Co-editor with Marie-Alice Belle. Special issue: 'Early Modern "Transformissions"/ La traduction comme "transformission"' June, 2019).
  • Renaessanceforum. Special issue: 'Issues in Translation Then and Now: Renaissance Theories and Translation Studies Today'. Co-editor with Annet den Hahn, Marianne Pade and Anna Wegener (2018).
  • Renaissance Studies, 45 (1), 2015. 'Translation and Print Culture in Europe, 1500-1700'. Editor.

Articles and Book Chapters 2019-2024

  • “Trajectories of Translation and the querelle des femmes in Early Modern England” in A Cultural History of Translation in the Age of Cross-Cultural Interaction, eds. Marie-Alice Belle and Michelle Bolduc. London: Bloomsbury. Forthcoming 2024.

  • "Anna Hume, Translator of Petrarch's First Three Triumphi and 'glossatrice extraordinaire'" in Translating Petrarch in Early Mdern Britain: Canonziere and Trionfi, c. 1530-1650, eds. Marie-Alice Belle, Riccardo Raimondo and Francesco Venturi. University of Manchester Press, 2024. pp. 332-363.
  • “English Catholic Women Translators: Networks and Trajectories of Textual Transmission” in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women’s Writing in English (eds. Patricia Pender and Rosalind Smith). Palgrave Macmillan. Online. 2024.

  • “The Seymour Sisters, their Circles, and their Authorship” in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women’s Writing in English (eds. Patricia Pender and Rosalind Smith). Palgrave Macmillan. Online. 2024.

  • "Elizabeth Jane Weston" in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women' Writing in English (eds. Patricia Pender and Roslaind Smith). Palgrave Macmillan. Online. 20024.
  • “Two Seventeenth-Century English Women Translators of French Prose” in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women’s Writing in English (eds. Patricia Pender and Rosalind Smith). Palgrave Macmillan. Online. 2023.

  • “‘Mistresses of Tongues’: Early Modern Englishwomen, Multilingual Practice, and Translingual Communication” in The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Women’s Writing in English 1540-1680 (ed. Danielle Clark, Sarah Ross, and Elizabeth Scott Baumann). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. 393-408.

  • "On Mediated Translation: A Fruitful Dialogue between Specialists in Translation Studies and Early Modern Translation", Forum for Modern Language Studies, 58 (4) (2022): 478-487.
  • "On Researching Early Modern Mediated Translations: Challenges and Prospects", Forum for Modern Language Studies, 58 (4) (2022): 513-521. Co-author.
  • “‘Spes mea Christus’: Elizabeth Jane Weston’s Religious Poetry”, in ‘Dulces ante omnia Musae’. Essays on Neo-Latin Poetry in Honour of Dirk Sacré (ed. Jeanine De Landtsheer, Fabio Della Schiava, and Toon Van Houdt). Turnhout: Brepols, 2021, pp. 421-436.

  • "Transformative Translations: Linguistic, Cultural, and Material Transfers in Early Modern England and France", Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme 43 (2) (2020): 9-66. Co-author.
  • 'Translation, Transit, Transformation: The Fate of Some Italian querelle-related Works in England, 1579-1615', InTRAlinea ( 2019). Special Issue: Transit and Translation in Early Modern Europe. http://www.
  • "Anthony Munday and the Transformission of Some Continental Writings on Women", Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 46 (2) (2019): 268-294.

Book Reviews 2019-2024

  • Modern Philology, Early Modern Digital Review, Journal of the Early Book Society; Renaissance and Reformation


  • 2023 “Translation, Neo-Latin, and some Early Modern English Women Translators”, Boltz Mann Institute, Innsbrück.

  • 2022 “Two Seventeenth-Century Women Translators of French Prose Fiction”, Women’s Studies Group, London.


  • September 2024. Nordic Network for Renaissance Studies. Identities in the Early Modern Period, Aarhus, Denmark. "Elizabeth Jane Weston's Use of Rhetoric and Translaton in Constructing her Identity of Aspiring Poet and Suffering Exile."
  • March 2024. Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Chicago. "From Caxton to Corneille: Cataloguing British Translations 1473-1640."
  • May, 2023. Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies/Société canadienne d’études de la Renaissance, Toronto. “Women and Translation: Mediations and Re-Imaginings”.

  • March 2023. Memory and Performance: Classical Reception in Early Modern Festivals, University College London. "Archiving Renaissance Drama: The Usefulness of The Renaissance Cultural Crossroads Catalogue of Translations and Future Crosscurrents Catalogue of Translations."
  • July-August, 2022. International Association of Neo-Latin Studies Congress, Leuven. “Neo-Latin as a Linguistic and Cultural Go-between in Early Modern English Translation”.

  • March-April, 2022. Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, Dublin. “English Catholic Women Translators and their Networks”.

  • December 2021 (on zoom). European Translation Database Conference. “The Renaissance Cultural Crossroads Online Catalogue of Printed Translations. Then and Now”.

  • March, 2020 (on zoom). Renaissance Society of America Annual Conference, “Intermediary Translations in Britain, 1463-1640”.

  • June, 2019. Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies/Société canadienne d'études de la Renaissance, Vancouver. 'Robert Tofte's Translations of Ariosto: A Virtuoso Exercise in Textual Mobility'.

  • March, 2019. Renaissance Society of America Annual Congress, Toronto. 'War and Peace: Rachel Jevon's Latin and English Restoration Odes and the Matter of Self-Translation'.


  • Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, 2024. "The Legacy of Margaret More Roper".
  • February, 2023. Memory and Performance: Classical Reception in Early Modern Festivals, University College, London.“Archiving Translated Drama: The Renaissance Cultural Crossroads Catalogue Online (1473-1640) and a Future Catalogue”.


  • Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies/Société d'études de la Renaissance Lifetime Achievement Award 2014
  • Josephine Roberts Award for the Distinguished Edition of 2000, Early Modern Women Studies Society, 2001 (Elizabeth Jane Weston Complete Writings)
  • Sophie Coe Prize, Best Article of the Year, Oxford Symposium on the History of Food, 1998 ('From Espinee to Sambocade: Flowers in the Recipes of Medieval England')
  • Best Article Award, Early Modern Women Studies Society, 1996 ('England's First Female-Authored Encomium: The Seymour Sisters' Hecatodistichon to Marguerite de Navarre')


  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
  • Humanities and Social Sciences sciences Foundation of Canada
  • Leverhulme Trust
  • British Academy
  • British Council


  • Bibliographical Society Research Fellowship, 2003
  • Rockefeller Foundation Team Fellowship, 2001
  • British Council Summer Fellowship, 1997
  • William A. Ringler, Jnr. and Mayers Fellowship, Huntington Library, California, 1996


  • Renaissance Studies (2016 to present)
  • Moreana (1996-2006)
  • Florilegium (2001-2018)


  • BOOKS:
  • Catholic University Press; Brill; Duquesne University Press; Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of Canada; McGill-Queen's University Press; Routledge; University of Michigan Press; University of Ottawa Press;  University of Toronto Press
  • Philological Quarterly; Journal of the Early Book Society; Canadian Review of Comparative Literature; Canadian Review of Linguistics; Florilegium; Meta. Journal des traducteurs; Moreana; Renaissance and Reformation; Renaissance Quarterly; Speculum; Journal of the Northern Renaissance; Renaissance Studies


  • 2003-26. Advisory Board Member, Leverhulme Trust Funded Research Project, Warburg Library. “Self-Translated Books in Italy and France, 1465-1700: Census and Analysis”. Principal Investigator, Sara Miglietti.

  • 2021-2022. Mentor, University of Cambridge doctoral student, appointed by the Women’s Studies Group.

  • June 2011. 'Elizabeth Jane Weston's Poetry' in BBC programme 'A Poet in Bohemia'.


  • Assistant General Secretary, FILLM (Fédération internationale des langues et littératures modernes, UNESCO), 2005-2014
  • Member of Standing Committee, Society for Neo-Latin Studies, U.K., 2007-present
  • Vice-President, President, Past President, Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies, 2002-08
  • Member, then Chair, Literature Committee, Standard Research Grants, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 1997-2001.
  • Member, then Chair, Observers' Committee, Standard Research Grants, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2003-2006.
  • Chair, Committee for Creation in the Arts Standard Grant, Social Sciences an Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2005.
  • First Vice-President, President, Past President, International Association for Neo-Latin Studies, 1991-2000
  • Member, Executive Committee, Canadian Society for Medieval Studies, 1999-2003.