Supporting the CSR
Letter from our Director, Dr Teresa Grant
Members and friends of Warwick's Centre for the Study of the Renaissance will be aware that, as a postgraduate programme and centre of excellence for postdoctoral research fellows, our income is rather limited and fluctuates strongly depending on student numbers. These limitations notwithstanding, the CSR is strongly engaged in supporting Renaissance studies at a national and, indeed, international level, among other things by offering instruction in Palaeography (also online) and Latin for Research, organising and hosting conferences, continuing our association with the Renaissance Society of America and various other relevant learned societies, and supporting excellent scholarship through our various undergraduate and PGT prizes.
We believe that a particularly important aspect of the CSR is the financial support it offers to small-scale research projects of Warwick students and early career researchers across the Arts Faculty through our Benefactors' Research Awards. Through a yearly competition, we select the strongest proposals for short research trips, publication subventions, copyediting or translations leading to publications, and similar initiatives. These are particularly important for our PhD students, whose fellowships do not usually include research funds, and whose research allowances would otherwise not stretch to spending significant amounts of time in archives and libraries either abroad or in the UK.We are also keen to increase the financial attractiveness of our MA course by offering at least one Benefactors' PGT scholarship of £5000, which would go a significant way toward paying the tuition fees of an especially promising student.
Donations of any amount (even just £10) are most welcome and gratefully received. Note that gift-aiding a donation will increase its value through no charge to you. UK higher-rate tax payers can subtract donations of this kind from their taxes. There is a mechanism for those who wish to do so to give anonymously. Should you be interested in a different kind of donation, or a legacy to the CSR, please do get in touch with me.
We are most grateful for the moral and other support of the CSR community over the years and hope that this provides a means for people to express their financial support as well, should they be in a position to do so.
Teresa Grant (Director of the CSR) Email: