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Renaissance Culture & Society (RS904) Teaching Timetable 2024-25

Term 2: January - March 2025

These classes will be taught in person, Tuesday 12-2pm, in room FAB1.07 (faculty of arts building), unless specified differently below. Please note the different arrangements for weeks 5, 8, and 10.

This information will also be available via your timetable in tabula. For information on preparatory reading or other week-to-week work, see the module's moodle page. Information about assessment can be found here but in short, we require one x 5,000 word essay, due noon, Friday 25th April 2025.


Week 1 (7th January 2025): Inventing the Renaissance (David Lines)

Week 2 (14th January 2025): ‘Translation Cultures in the Italian Renaissance: Latin, Greek, and the Vernacular’ (Cecilia Sideri)

Week 3 (21st January 2025): ‘The French Renaissance’ (Ingrid De Smet)

Week 4 (28th January 2025): ‘Erasmus and the Idea of a Scholar’ (Paul Botley)

Week 5 (4th February 2025): 'The Printing of English Renaissance Playtexts' [Teresa GrantLink opens in a new window] This class will run from 11-1pm in the Modern Records CentreLink opens in a new window seminar room

Week 6: No teaching/classes (reading week)

Week 7 (18th February 2025): ‘Humanism, Literature, and the Bible’ (Maria Czepiel)

Week 8 (25th February 2025): 'Renaissance Art at the V&A' (Marta Ajmar). NB: This class will run at the Victoria and Albert Museum, in London, and may run a little longer than the 12-2pm norm. Details to follow.

Week 9 (4th March 2025): ‘The Reception of Ovid’s Metamorphoses’ (Rich Rabone)

Week 10 (11th March 2025): ‘Presentations and Conclusions’ (Rich Rabone & Tess Grant). This class will run from 11-1pm in the Modern Records Centre Link opens in a new windowseminar room


See week-to-week information on moodle, and the module reading list on Talis.