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9 May 2009

Seventh Warwick Symposium on Parish Research; 'Microhistory - Parish History - Local History'. Organised in association with the Mellon-Newberry Project of the Centre for Renaissance Studies. Programme details.

8 May 2009

'Microhistory – Local History – Parish History’: Mellon-Newberry / Parish Network Workshop on Approaches and Methods. Programme details

29 November 2002

 Elites in History

31 May 2002 Wealth and Power in the Renaissance
10 May 2002 Courts, Elites, and Technology in Renaissance Italy
22 February 2002 Genoa and Venice: Two Renaissance Maritime Powers
1 June 2001 Cross-Currents in Lombardy c.1470-c.1530
2 February 2001 The Education of Renaissance Elites
4 June 1999 Renaissance Physicians: The Anatomy of an Elite
4 May 1999 Ben Jonson
19 September 1998 Shakespeare and the Warwickshire Catholic World
30 May 1997 The Formation of Ambassadorial Elites in the Renaissance
17 January 1997 European Universities and Elites in the Renaissances
2 November 1996 Europa Triumphans
14 June 1996 Dance, Gesture and Representation
7 June 1996 Elites in History
9 June 1995 Changing Structures of Government and Decision-making in Later Fifteenth-Century Italy