Programme-IANLS Vacation School: 7-9th July 2016, Venice, Italy
'Neo-Latin Studies Today: Tools, Trends and Methodologies'
Thursday 7 July 2016
13:45-14:10 Welcome/ opening remarks by Ingrid De Smet
14:15 Walk as a group to Archivio Storico del Patriarcato di Venezia at Dorsoduro, 1, Venice 30123. (Over the Accademia Bridge and turn left: it is next door to the Santa Maria della Salute, as you face the church it is a door to the left of the church).
15:00-16:30 Visit to the Manuscript Choir Books, Basilica San Marco conservation project ('Venice in Peril')
Friday 8 July 2016
Common Ground: Working with Renaissance and Early Modern Latin (tools, databases, methodologies)
09:00-10:00 "Sources I"
- 'The Role of Early Printed Books in Neo-Latin Culture' (Craig Kallendorf)
10:00-10:15 Break (refreshments provided)
10.15-12:15 "Sources II”
- 'Working with Dictionaries' (Johann Ramminger)
- 'Translating Neo-Latin Texts' (Ingrid De Smet)
[Lunch break according to individual arrangements]
Walk to the Marciana Library (Piazzetta San Marco n.7, 30124 Venezia) and meet at the entrance by 14:25
14:30-16:00 Rare books seminar at the Marciana Library
16:00-16:45 Walk as a group back to the Palazzo Pesaro Papafava
16:45-17:00 Break (refreshments provided)
17:00-19:00 Neo-Latin research in progress: short informal presentations by participants (circa 5 mins), and discussion
Saturday 9 July 2016
Bridging the Divide: Across Disciplines, Across National Paradigms
- 'Imitation as a Pedagogical Tool and/or as a Neo-Latin writer's Working Method' (Raija Sarasti-Wilenius)
- 'Contributions of Medical Humanism to Renaissance Latin: Tradition and Modernity' (Teresa Santamaría Hernández)
10:45-11:00 Break (refreshments provided)
- 'Writing Regional Histories of Neo-Latin Literature - Current and Future Problems' (Florian Schaffenrath)
- 'The Beginnings of Hungarian Humanism: the Networks of Janus Pannonius (A Case Study)' (Enikő Békés)
[Lunch break - according to individual arrangements]
Moving on: Professional Development
14:00-15:00 Teaching Neo-Latin (seminar format)
15:00-16:00 Career development: applying for funding/getting published (Ingrid De Smet and others)
16:00-16:30 Break (refreshments provided)
18:00-19:30 Free time
19:30 Vacation School dinner (participants & speakers) at 'Crociferi' restaurant. (Sestriere Cannaregio, at Campo dei Gesuiti, behind the Fondamenta Nuove)
Sunday 10 July 2016
Participants depart according to own arrangements