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Timetable 2024-25: Term 2, January - March 2025

Latin texts covered:
Weeks 1-2 (20 & 27 Jan): Erasmus

Erasmus, letter on a visit to the court of Henry VIII

Weeks 3-4 (3 & 10 Feb): Views on classical Latinity

Erasmus, Abattis et eruditae

Erasmus, Ciceronianus 

Valla, Elegantiae

Weeks 5-6 (17 and 24 Feb): Engagement with classical models - history

Bruni, Memoirs (Attack on Arezzo)

Week 7 (3 March): Engagement with classical models – philosophy

Bruni, Introduction to Latin version of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

Weeks 8-9 (10 & 17 March): Engagement with classical models – verse

Angela Nogarola, cento

Maffeo Vegio, continuation of Aeneid XII

Session 3

Erasmus: Abbatis et eruditae


annotated text

audio (to follow)

questions: make up your own!

nouns: change number (as in previous weeks)

verbs: change number; change tense; make subjunctive etc.

case system - overview