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English Palaeography Course - Oct-Dec 2023

Course convenors: Dr Esther van Raamsdonk and Dr Teresa Grant

The course will culminate in an informal exam. Useful online resources and bibliography can be found on this page (right) and will be updated periodically. All classes will be taught virtually via interactive seminars on Microsoft Teams, on Fridays, 14:00-15:30, starting 6th October 2023.

This course, run by Warwick's Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, does not confer university credits. However, on the basis of students' performance in the final test, the CSR will issue a certificate of completion and of having passed the course.

Participants will pay £200 for the course before the beginning of term. Participants whose institution belongs to the Newberry Library Consortium may be eligible to receive consortium grants to cover the cost of the course. (Contact your local consortium representative for details.) Warwick PhD Students will not have to pay the course fees.

Places on the course are limited, so selection will be based on the details given in your brief application.

Week of Term Date Topic
1. 6 Oct 2023 Introduction to Palaeography and Printed Texts
2. 13 Oct 2023 Introduction to Secretary Hand
3. 20 Oct 2023 Abbreviations and Numbers in Secretary and Italic Hand
4. 27 Oct 2023 Parliament/Government Documents in Secretary Hand
5. 3 Nov 2023 Letters in Secretary Hand and Italic Hand
6. 10 Nov 2023 Reading Week.
7. 17 Nov 2023 Parliament and Government Documents in Italic Hand
8. 24 Nov 2023 Miscellaneous Week (Mixed Hands)
9. 1 Dec 2023 Mixed hands 2 (and Test)