Lawrence Green
Having completed my B.A. at Leeds University in 1965 my first contact with Warwick University was in the School of English where I completed my M.A. in 1977. I subsequently completed my Ph.D. at the Shakespeare Institute (University of Birmingham) in 1999 with a thesis on the changing fortunes of ceremonial display in Shakespeare’s Second Tetralogy. When I retired from full-time teaching (selective secondary) I decided to do a second M.A. in the Culture of the European Renaissance at Warwick in the Renaissance Centre in 2000-2001.
However, before completing that I was invited to edit a number of sections for the Centre’s John Nichols Project to culminate with the publication (by O.U.P.) of a new critical edition of John Nichols's collection of Elizabethan progress and entertainment texts: The Progresses and Public Prothe subject of cessions of Queen Elizabeth I (London, 1788-1823). In the event, the Renaissance M.A. was never completed but I was awarded an Associate Fellowship with the Centre which is renewed on a 3-yearly basis. That gives me the freedom to pursue private research, to publish when I can and contribute occasional papers to conferences and symposia both within the University and beyond. Details of my contributions to the Nichols Project, publications and other academic interests may be seen on my Centre web page: . I also lead private Shakespeare courses in Warwick and Stratford.