Previous PhD Theses Topics
Previous PhD theses include :
- Elizabeth I, Counsel, and Memory in Early Modern England (Aidan Norrie)
- From Inscription to Collection: Ancient Epigraphy in Renaissance Italy and Southern France (Paloma Perez Galvan)
- Broadening Horizons through Books: Town Atlases in the 16th and 17th Centuries (Gloria Moorman)
Creating an Urban Reading Public: Cheap Print in Early-Modern Bologna (Rebecca Carnevali)
- The use of Jerusalem and Jews in Elizabethan and Jacobean sermons (Mitchell Gould)
- Controversies on Astrology in Renaissance Italy in the Late 15th and Early 16th Centuries (Ovanes Akopyan)
- James Shirley and the Restoration Stage (Ania Crowther)
- Court Entertainments and Performances in Early 17th-Century Italy (Leila Zammar)
- Marsilio Ficino’s notebooks (Rocco Di Dio)
- Mastering the climate: Theories of climatic influence in the early colonial age (Sara Miglietti)
- John Hall's Little Book of Cures (1611-1635): A New Translation (Greg Wells)
- 'Foreign' Books for English Readers: Published Translations of Navigation Manuals and their Audience in the English Renaissance, 1500-1640. (S De Schepper)
- The Irish Plays of James Shirley, 1636-40 (J Williams)
- Thomas Dekker and Chaucerian Re-Imaginings (C S Li)
- Maritime Communities in Late Renaissance Venice: The Arsenalotti and the Greeks, 1575-1600 (I Iordanou)