Archive of Work in Progress Speakers from 2023-24
2023-24. Sessions were mostly hybrid, and mostly on Thursdays.
26th October: Clive Letchford, 'Do What I Say: Padagogy and Self-Presentation'.
23rd November: Christian Martens, 'Was François Hotman a Historian? Answers from his Polemical Works and his Iconography'.
7th December: Karin Sprang, 'Rare Birds & Fast Friends: Interpreting Illustrations in Early Modern Alba Amicorum’.
25th January: Eva van Kemenade, 'Sensory Crowd Politics: The Departure Rituals of Papal Legates in Early Modern Bologna'.
22nd February: Mathilde Alain, 'Writing, translating, rearranging: the traveller’s self and Italian scholars in Álvares’ account of Ethiopia (c.1540)'.
7th March: Maialen Maugars, 'Exhibiting Italian Renaissance decorative art in late nineteenth-century Birmingham: significance, display, reception'.
14th March: Alex Tadel, 'Between Friends: Mixed-Gender Humanist Exchange in the Letters of Isotta Nogarola and Damiano dal Borgo'.
25th April: Riccardo Brighenti, 'Tomaso Zefiriele Bovio's Trialogi on Astrology: A Text, Its Contents, and Its Context'.
9th May: Valeria Cesaraccio, '(Self-)Portrayals of Teachers and Students in Sixteenth-century School Exercises and Manuals'.
6th June: Wanxin Du, 'The Legislation on Arms Control in Tuscany, 1572-1685: Some Observations on Legislazione toscana'.