Renaissance Cultural Crossroads - Links
Short Title Catalogues
Digitization projects - manuscripts
Digitization projects - early printed books
Digitization projects - miscellaneous
Library catalogues - general
Library catalogues - specific
Collections of links
Short Title Catalogues
The English Short Title Catalogue
Short Title Catalogue Netherlands
Short Title Catalogus Vlaanderen
Digitization projects - manuscripts
Clusius Correspondence Project: digitized collection of written to and by Carolus Clusius
Digital Scriptorium: image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts
Digital Libraries of Western Manuscripts: links to various collections of digitized manuscripts
E-Resources for Manuscript Studies
Early Manuscripts at Oxford University
Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections
Perdita: Early Modern Women's Manuscript Catalogue
The Schoyen Collection: 720 manuscripts spanning 5000 years
The Waller Manuscript Collection: autographs from the Middle Ages through the 1950s
Digitization projects - early printed books
Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes
Camena: Latin texts of Early Modern Europe
Renaissance Festival Books Online
The Renaissance in Print: sixteenth-century French books
Renascence Editions: Online repository of works printed in English 1477-1799
Digitization projects - miscellaneous
Bibliography of Spanish-English Translations 1500-1640
British Printed Images to 1700
EMEDD: Early Modern English Dictionaries Database
Florio database: translations/adaptations of French books published on the British isles 1470-1640
Gallica: Digitization of collections of the BnF
Jesuitica: database of jesuitica collection at the Maurits Sabbe library and resource for study of the S.J.
The Origins of Early Modern Literature: on-line catalogue of English literary works, 1519-1579
The Philological Museum: An analytical bibliography of on-line Neo-Latin texts
REED: Records of Early English Drama
Renaissance Liturgical Imprints
SCETI: Schoenberg Centre for Electronic Text and Image
Selected English Renaissance Religious Writing
Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum: Latin music theory written during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Library catalogues - general
Harvard Theatrum Catalogorum: a scholarly resource for the Early Modernist community, collating library catalogs
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog: integrated catalogue of more than 60 libraries
Libraries and bibliographies on the web
Library catalogues - specific
Bibliographical Aid to the Study of Renaissance Latin Texts, by Marc Van der Poel
Bibliopolis: History of the printed book in the Netherlands
Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon
British Book Trade Index: index of people working in the book trade in England and Wales up to 1851
Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature
The Medieval and Early Modern Database
Names of printing towns: English and Latin imprints
Neulateinische Wortliste: Latin vocabulary 1300-1700
ODLIS: Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science
Orbis Latinus: Latin place names
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Collections of links
Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
Centre for the Study of the Renaissance
Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
Iter Community Commons. Iter Community facilitates and supports communication, collaboration, and digital project creation for research communities of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It is a social knowledge creation environment, providing a space for users to connect with others in the field, to create and host a digital humanities project, to develop a research community, and to collaborate on intellectual endeavours.
Internetography on Renaissance intellectual history
Neo-Latin links at the Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae
Resources for Renaissance Literature
English Short Title Catalogue
Early English Books Online
Renaissance Translations
Spanish-English translations 1500-1640
French-English translations 1470-1640
Recently added
Les Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes
English Bible Translations