Emblem 19
The Eliphant when Raidiant sol doth rise
Devoutly bows with Elevated Eyes
Hee offers up his Morning Sacrifice
Some may perhaps this vain religion sleight
But of all Creatures I would Worship Light 5
Their vallour too the Orient Kingdooms trie
For in the Feild they'l bravly Fighting die
And when the Indians these beasts doe Hire
To Lanch their ships, when one begins to tire
Thel'e bring another to lift in his place 10
But rather then hee'l live to know disgrace
Hee'l draw and shov’e not onely till hee tires
But straining Bursts and soe his soul expires
As rather choosing to abrupt his story
Then live and let another take his Glory 15
For Chastitie this Gallant Creature's Crown'd
For when hee hath a Lovly Female Found
And mutuall Flames doe in their bosomes Glow
They modestly into the shades doe goe
There free from Company that might annoy 20
They Innocently each other doe Injoy
Yet hee's soe tender of his reputation
Hee kills his Female if hee doubts scortation
By this the Gallants of our Age may see
In being Athiest's wors then Beasts they bee 25
Like them in Noble actions strive to exceed
Each other, this Want did make Us Bleed
In our brave King, for had you valient been
Soe Sad a change as this wee ner’e had seen
For had not Lords in Noble breeding faild 30
Tinckers and Coblers never had prevaild
But wee our Wants and losses may deplore
But Sin alone that sets us on the score
Then yet bee chast and those you choose in youth
Love Constantly for truth deserveth Truth 35
Neglect them not, to drink, Rant, throw the Die
For to temptation then they open lie
In common meetings they fool out their days
At Bauls, and Taverns, seeing Wanton Plays
To Censure you In Earnest I am Loth 40
But sure you want or, Vallour, Witt, or both
Your Ladyes are Soe Lavish of their Fames
They have quite out gone our Wanton Citty Dames
For Honnours sake looke too't, for shame at least,
You see a Wittall is below a Beast. 45