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On the Fall of that grand Rebel the Earl of Essex his Effigies in Henry 7th's Chappel in Westminster Abby

When that Fierce Monster had usurp'd the Place
Which once (ah mee) our Royall King did grace
One of her heads, on topp of Fortune's wheel
Which ever turns, grown giddy 'gan to reel
Just like Bellerophon mounting to the skie 5
And looking down like him did brain sick die
Or like that Boy who thro his fond desire
had almost sett Heaven's Axle-Tree on Fire
Or like the Cretian youth who flew so high
His borrow'd plumes began to sindge and Fry 10
So this Bold Earl blown up with Pop'lar breath
Unenvey'd and unpitty'd fell to Earth
This was the man or rather the half Beast
Not like Alcides Tutor who exprest
Both natures and from both the best do Cull 15
This like Lybian Hammon had a horned scull
This was the first who had the bold Commission
From Cannons mouth ti thunder out Petition
The Copy came from Hell, thence such thoughts spring
With sulph'rous breath to parly with their king 20
Yett hee that ne're gain'd Honour here on Earth
By order they made triumph after Death
And in derision of our ancient kings
his horned image they to the'Temple bring
because he was a member of the Dragon 25
they sett him up just like the Idol Dagon
by Isreal's sacred Arke and bold assumption
and certainly unparallel'd presumption
But down he fell loosing his hands and head
his Father serv'd so, living, he so dead 30
Such End such honour lett all Traytors have
but our Augustus Heav'n protect and save.