The Pismire
Walking a broad once in a summers day,
And (as I well remember twas) in May
Beeing tird with fancies and my panting Breast
Beeing full of trouble, I lookt where I might rest.
Then down I threw my selfe upon the Grass, 5
Som solitary howrs I thought to pass,
Leaning my head against a siccamoore,
My heavy eyes upon the Ground did pore;
Museing and looking on my Mother Earth
To which I must from whence I drew my breath 10
Then did I think how I to dust must turn,
And lie forgotten in my silent Urn,
Where I should loos the Comfortable sight
Of my deare Freinds, and all discovering light,
As I these thoughts within my mind revolved 15
Sighs fils my heart till they in tears disolved
Then clearing of mine eyes I looking about
What I could see, to put these sorrowes out
Of my sad heart, where instantly I spied
A hill of Pismires, who their Labor plied; 20
Som luggred up and down their flatious issew,
And some with glittring wings that shone like tissew,
The rest their wheat, and other nibled Grain
Did lay in store, from Winters storms and Rain.
And onely those with shineing wings did play 25
Seeming to keep perpetuall holy day.
Then instantly my busie mind was hurld
Thinking they were an embleme of the World
For all which from this earth doe draw their breath
Still moyle and labour in this dunghill Earth 30
From Kings who Earths Elixter seem to have
Unto the Naked sunburnt Female slave
Who with her swetty, knotty Locks unbound
About the Giddy Mill, doth trot around
For who is Free? untill his soul doth spring 35
From's Earthly Clog, and Joy fully takes wing:
Then from that distance wee perceive (most plain)
That all our moyling here is but in vain.
For Earthly Glory is our sights delusion;
It proving but a Chaos of confusion: 40
O then! as I in Heaven have plac'd my love,
Soe I'me ambitious of those joys above;
Grant mee the wings of som unspotted Dove,
To ease the troubles of my throbing breast;
That I may fly to my Eternall rest. 45