Editorial Samples
Editorial samples have been prepared by two of the Research Fellows on the John Nichols project, Dr Jayne Archer and Dr Gabriel Heaton, and by Dr Sarah Knight (former Research Fellow with the project). The samples have been prepared in order to illustrate the editorial principles as set out in the Editorial Guidelines, and to provide section editors with models for both the treatment of Nichols and his early modern sources, and the presentation of copy. Each sample consists of the sample itself, and a set of accompanying notes, including a working bibliography of primary and secondary sources used in preparing the sample. In the accompanying notes the editor highlights some of the issues faced in preparing the sample, explains the decisions taken, and outlines some of the work remaining to be done on the sample.
Editorial sample 1 - from text section 24, the Harefield Entertainment (1602), prepared by Dr Gabriel Heaton
Editorial sample 2 - from text section 5, Queen Elizabeth I's reception at Oxford (1566), prepared by Dr Sarah Knight
Editorial sample 3 - from text section 4, New Year's gift roll for 1589, prepared by Dr Jayne Archer
The accompanying notes also address a number of issues not covered by the Editorial Guidelines. For example, the notes to Editorial sample 2, written by Dr Heaton, contain instructions regarding the presentation of sigla and collation notes (see also the note below, on the collation of source texts). In addition, there are a number of editorial issues that have arisen in preparing these editorial samples, and in the light of queries from sections editors:
Abbreviations and superscripts: Silently expand all abbreviations and lower all superscripts. There is no need to italicise the supplied letters - please note: this is a correction to the revised editorial guidelines. For purposes of clarity, please retain and italicise abbreviations for currency - for e.g. 'l' for 'libra'.
Additional material: According to the revised editorial guidelines, section editors were required to use the bibliographic footnote to identify, but not edit, any pertinent early modern sources omitted by Nichols. A number of section editors have expressed their desire to include some of this omitted material. Where the omitted material is not overly long, and where it is deemed to be of particular interest to our readers, we are happy to consider including such material. If you would like to include any such material in your text section, please let me know as soon as possible.
Biographical notes: As explained in the revised editorial guidelines, we will not be editing Nichols' extensive biographical notes, but will refer our readers to the forthcoming DNB. Section editors are asked to provide the most basic biographical information for persons mentioned in their section(s) - name, title, dates, position, and (in the case of women) maiden name, spouse and/or father, etc. The purpose behind these footnotes is simply to identify which Countess of Lincoln (for example) is mentioned in each text. Our edition of the Progresses will include an index of names. For persons not included within the DNB, section editors are asked to provide any biographical information they happen to have on the individual, but not to do extensive additional research.
Collation of source texts: Wherever possible, section editors are required to identify what they consider to be the most authoritative copytext(s) for their early modern source(s). In the case of manuscript sources, this will be the most authoritative copy of a particular text; in the case of printed sources, this will be the most authoritative edition of the text in question, and a non-defective copy of that edition. Editors are requested to note any differences in content between the manuscript copies/printed editions: by 'content', we do not mean variant readings (i.e. differences in words, spelling or punctuation), but whole paragraphs, chapters, verses, poems, illustrations, etc. In some cases, it may be necessary to draw on more than one manuscript copy/printed edition in order to cover all the material edited by Nichols. Editorial sample 1 (the Harefield entertainment) illustrates this point. Where this applies, clearly indicate the particular manuscript copy/printed edition from which each item is taken. Similarly, in some cases, the section editor may feel that collation of variant readings is justified - again, Editorial sample 1 illustrates this approach. Where section editors feel that collation of variant readings is necessary, please contact me as soon as possible.
Foreign language material: We will provide translations to all foreign language material. Shorter translations (i.e. ten words or less) may be included within the main body of text, enclosed within square brackets - e.g. 'Schollers in order kneelinge, cryed, Viuat Regina [Long live the Queen]'. Translations exceeding this length should be included in an endnote. In consultation with our publishers, we may eventually decide to present lengthy translations as parallel text. If you require translations for any material in your text section, please let me know as soon as possible.
Marginal notes: According to the revised editorial guidelines, any marginal notes that contribute to our understanding of the source text should be included in an endnote. (Marginal notes that simply repeat material in the main body of text should be omitted.) In some cases, it may be desirable to incorporate marginal annotations within the main body of text - this is the case with the New Year's gift roll for 1589 (Editorial sample 3) and may prove to be the case with the Harefield entertainment (Editorial sample 1). In such cases, include the contents of the marginal note at an appropriate place within the main body of text, and use an endnote to identify its original status as a marginal note.
Nichols' titles: Where Nichols fails to supply a title to a text or texts, or where his title is factually incorrect, section editors are asked to supply their own title.