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Events and Output


  • The AHRC provided funding for a James Shirley Workshop from the 21st-23rd September 2009 at St. Catherine's College, Cambridge. The conference programme can be viewed here.

Doctoral Candidates

Doctoral theses produced in conjunction with the Works of Shirley include:

Undergraduate Involvement

The editors of the Works of Shirley are committed to facilitating original and independent research amongst undergraduates. Previous beneficiaries of the Undergraduate Research Scholarship Scheme have included:

  • Emil Rybczak (2012), researching the Textual Collation of Shirley's The Gamester and The Coronation.
  • Lorna Dawson (2011), researching Women and Revenge.
  • Natasha Collie (2009), researching James Shirley's Comic Women (View Poster).
  • Hannah Davies (2008), researching The Revival of Shirley's Plays in Restoration London (View Poster and Spreadsheet).
  • Emily Collins (2007), researching the Textual Collation of Shirley's The Witty Faire One (View Poster).