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Paperback edition of 'The Social Impact of the Arts: An intellectual history' now available

51e1ts4mtdl._sl500_aa240_.jpgThe paperback edition of Eleonora Belfiore and Oliver Bennett's
The Social Impact of the Arts: An intellectual history has now been published by Palgrave:
Fri 14 Jan 2011, 23:51 | Tags: Publications, News

New Book by Jeremy Ahearne

Intellectuals, Culture and Public Policy in France: Approaches from the Left

by Jeremy Ahearne

French Intellectuals have always defined themselves in political terms. They figure in common representation as oppositioinal figures set against State and government. But speaking truth to power is not the only way that intellectuals in France have brought their influence to bear upon political fields. Jeremy Ahearne's book explores what happens when, instead of denouncing from without the worlds of government and public policy, French intellectuals become voluntarily entangled within these worlds.

Jeremy Ahearne is Reader in French and a member of the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies at the University of Warwick.


Mon 05 Jul 2010, 12:08 | Tags: Publications

New Book by Chris Bilton and Stephen Cummings

Creative Strategy: Reconnecting Business and Innovation

By Chris Bilton and Stephen Cummings

This book is co-written with Professor Stephen Cummings (Victoria Management School, Victoria University of Wellington NZ) and combines Chris’s expertise on creativity and the creative industries with Steve’s insights on strategic management. The book sets out to uncover the connections between the creative process and strategy in business. People tend to think of creativity and strategy as opposites. This book argues that they are far more similar than we might expect. And actively aligning creative and strategic thinking in any enterprise can enable more effective innovation, entrepreneurship, leadership and organizing for the future. The book is available now via

Chris Bilton is the Director of the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies at the University of Warwick
Wed 03 Mar 2010, 20:23 | Tags: Publications

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