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Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events


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CCPS Research Seminar: The Structural Transformation of the BBC

The Centre for Cultural Policy Studies warmly invites you to our second research seminar of the term.

On Tuesday 29th November at 5pm-6.30pm in G50 of Millburn House we will be welcoming Dr. Tom Mills, lecturer in Sociology at Aston University and author of The BBC: Myth of a Public Service (Verso, 2016), to give a paper entitled 'The Structural Transformation of the BBC'. Abstract below.

Refreshments will be provided. Please e-mail Paula Watkins on to reserve your place.

Fri 11 Nov 2016, 18:40 | Tags: Research Seminars Faculty of Arts

CCPS Research Seminar: Digital sweatshops in the disaster zone

The first of the Centre for Cultural Policy's Research seminars this term will be on Thursday 27th October 5pm-6.30pm in G50 Millburn House.

Dr. Jonathan Ong from the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Leicester will be presenting a paper entitled Digital Sweatshops in the Disaster Zone: Precarity and Opportunity in Techie Aid Work.

Abstract and bio below.

You are warmly invited to join us. Wine and nibbles will be provided. Please e-mail to confirm your attendance.

Thu 06 Oct 2016, 17:30 | Tags: Research Seminars Events Students Faculty of Arts

CCPS Research Seminar: Mediating Elitism

All are warmly invited to attend this term's CCPS Research seminar, from Dr. Jo Littler of City Univeristy.

Jo will be presenting and discussing a paper entitled "Kind parents, luxurious winners and normcore plutocrats: the mediated popularisation of ‘meritocratic’ elitism".

The session will be on Wednesday May 11th at 5pm to 6.30 in G50 of Millburn House. We'll be providing light refreshments, so please e-mail if you plan to attend.

Tue 26 Apr 2016, 14:23 | Tags: Research Seminars Events Faculty of Arts

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