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New International Journal: Aesthesis


The second edition of an innovative new journal Aesthesis: International Journal of Art and Aesthetics in Management and Organizational Life, edited by Jonathan Vickery, is available now.

Tue 04 Dec 2007, 12:42 | Tags: Publications

Hot off the press


Click cover for full details on Amazon. 

Intellectuals and Cultural Policy
Edited by Jeremy Ahearne and Oliver Bennett

Intellectuals and policy analysts might appear to inhabit two different worlds. Intellectuals aspire to articulate issues of universal concern; policy analysts attend to the detail of specific measures and programmes. How far do these common assumptions match up to reality? What happens when intellectuals engage with cultural institutions and the machinery of government? And how far is cultural policy connected to a history of ideas?

Mon 08 Oct 2007, 13:28 | Tags: Publications

New Centre Research Paper (9) published

The Emergence of Culture-led Regeneration: A policy concept and its discontents
by Jonathan Vickery

This is the most recent paper in the Centre's peer-reviewed Research Papers series. Its objective is to provide the broadest overview-analysis available on the recent emergence of the concept of ‘culture-led regeneration’. It tracks the development of 'regeneration' issues through the plethora of national policies and policy frameworks within which the term has functioned. It essentially covers the period 1997—2007, concentrating particularly on the shift in policy priorities under New Labour in the UK between 1999-2004. Through a consideration of key urban, social, cultural and arts policies, the paper identifies the political motives and Government interests which have animated, and frustrated, this history.

The paper is available as a PDF for download from the Centre Publications page here.

Tue 10 Jul 2007, 09:55 | Tags: Publications

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