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Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events


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CCPS Research Seminar: Cultural events and their legacies

The first of the Centre's Research seminars this term will be on Weds the 17th of February where we will be welcoming Vikki McCall from the University of Stirling to discuss her work on the legacy of the Commonwealth Games. An abstract and bio is below

The seminar will be from 5pm-6.30pm in G50 of Millburn House.

We hope to see you there. We'll be providing light refreshments so please e-mail Paula Watkins on to reserve a place.

Mon 01 Feb 2016, 09:45 | Tags: Research Seminars Events Faculty of Arts

CCPS Research Seminar: Austerity, disability and cultural policy

CCPS will be welcoming Dr. Jack Newsinger from the University of Leicester to give our second research seminar this term on Wednesday 2nd December at 5-6.30pm in G50 of Millburn House.

The paper is entitled 'Austerity, Cultural Policy and Disabled Young People'.

All are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be available. Please contact Paula Watkins on if you plan to come along.

We hope to see you there!

Fri 13 Nov 2015, 10:40 | Tags: Research Seminars Events Faculty of Arts

Exhibition in Millburn House

Last June, Jonathan Vickery received funding from the Warwick Global Research Priority in International Development (GRP-ID) to research and curate a small exhibition. While intended as an annual event, the initial exhibits are the best submissions (along with the winners) of the GRP-ID Annual Photography Competition (2015).

Tue 13 Oct 2015, 17:13 | Tags: Events

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